What is it going to take to make the contamination of our pet and human food supply the number one story in America? A pile of dead babies who drank melamine-contaminated baby formula?
Where are the ads from Kraft, General Mills, McDonald's, and other huge manufacturers and sellers of foods that have been tainted, with their assurances that they are taking steps to test for poisons in the foods they sell?
Why are there still companies that imported melamine-laced wheat, corn, rice and vegetable glutens staying silent and not recalling the products? The FDA has refused to name two additional pet food companies whose products are contaminated and have not been recalled. How many companies that are selling contaminated human foods are hiding?
At least a couple of Congress people are paying attention, because sure as hell the President, the Attorney General, the FDA, the MSM and the public are not.
House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, (D-CT), threatened Wednesday to slash Food and Drug Administration management salaries if agency leaders refuse to implement food safety measures she says are necessary, according to Govexec.com. But that won't happen until October when their budget is up for renewal.
"Our food safety system is collapsing," DeLauro said, "and the very agency charged with fixing it is asleep." DeLauro told The Hartford Courant.
She also renewed her bid for a single agency to regulate and enforce food safety laws, a task now shared by 15 different agencies. But that could take years.
The FDA is responsible for about 80 percent of the food supply. Yet, US food safety laws are over 100 years old, according to Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Something needs to be done now, today. Our pets were just the coal mine canaries. Things are going to get a lot worse very soon. Pigs and chickens are already quarantined in several states, vegetable and soy protein is in food ranging from baby formula to energy bars.
Doesn't that bother anyone just a little?
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