One of the latest TV spots from Hershey wants us all to believe that their Take 5 Candy Bar is better than having any number of high-end products....

The commercial opens with two dumb-asses, looking stoned out of their minds, operating an arcade crane machine. Instead of being filled with stuffed-plush toys, it contains a laptop computer, digital camera, cell phone, a pair of gold watches and even a wad of cash.
Out of all the prizes available...guess what the idiots choose? You've guess it - they plucked out a #@$& candy bar. The ad concludes with an announcer saying "TWO MORONS? OR THE GREATEST CANDY BAR EVER!" I have to agree that they are Morons; my guess is that they are the same two Morons who came up with this horrible crap.
To checkout the commercials:
Take 5 TV Commercials

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A Pair Of Morons

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Scott Petinga is headquartered in Plymouth, MN. For more information, visit Read more of Scott's writing on the MarketingProfs blog, the Daily Fix.