"Digital Kids" is the title of a series on the C

Net News.com Web site...

...where Stefanie Olsen examines the young generation's unique immersion in the Web, cell phones, IM and online communities.
Articles include:
When digital kids rule the classroom (26 April 2006)
Teachers may be the masters in the classroom, but when it comes to mastering technology, a growing number of schools are turning to students.
Kids outsmart Web filters (19 April 2006)
Last November, Ryan, a high-school sophomore, figured out a way to outsmart the Web filters on a school PC in order to visit the off-limits MySpace.com while doing "homework" in the computer lab.
MySpace reaching out to parents (11 April 2006)
The media frenzy around MySpace.com has struck a nerve with parents fretting about what their kids are doing online.
Teaching kids to drive the Net (4 April 2006)
Don't talk to strangers. Don't run on the ice. Look both ways before crossing the street. For most people, they're lessons learned at an early age.

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Mark Vanderbeeken, who is in charge of the successful experience design blog at Experientia titledPutting People First, is a specialist in visioning, identity development and strategic communications. He worked in Belgium (his home country), USA, Denmark and Italy for both profit and non-profit, studied at Columbia University, and is now a senior partner in Experientia, an experience design consultancy based in Turin, Italy.

Prior to Experientia, he was communications manager of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (Ivrea, Italy), European communications coordinator for the World Wide Fund for Nature (or WWF, Copenhagen, Denmark), marketing director of Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects (New York, USA) and chief press officer of Antwerp 93, Cultural Capital of Europe (Antwerp, Belgium).