Personal branding is quickly becoming the most talked about strategy for career management, but I never thought it would be the topic of a religious sermon....

That is, until I met Julie Maiz. Julie is one of the Reach Certified Personal Brand Strategists for CareerSpace (a cool company that helps University students build their own Web sites so they can land great jobs).
She is so enthusiastic about personal branding, she speaks about it with everyone she knows - even with her church pastor, Margaret Duttera of Christ Lutheran Church in San Clemente, CA. Well, Pastor Margaret thought this was such a cool idea, she wrote an entire sermon about it. You can download it here.
Please note: This post is not about religion - I have no affiliation with any organized religion. The dogma I subscribe to is the Reach Personal Branding Methodology. What thrills me about this sermon is the pervasiveness of personal branding and how it can be applied to so many different situations.
As marketers, you already have a lot of the skills you need to build your brands. Are you working on your brand?

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Personal Branding from the Pulpit

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image of William Arruda

William Arruda is a personal branding pioneer, the founder and CEO of Reach Personal Branding, and the author of Ditch. Dare. Do! 3D Personal Branding for Executives.

Twitter: @williamarruda

LinkedIn: William Arruda