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Take 10: How to Set Up and Manage Effective Facebook Ads

Paul Chaney
Fri., Jul. 22, 2011, 11am ET (8am PT)
10 minutes

Want to connect with more than 500 million customers in just a few clicks? Create a Facebook Ad! It's easier to do than you think. And Facebook provides tools that make it simple to set your budget, choose whether you want to pay per click or per impression, and select your ad's ideal audience.

In this Take 10, Internet marketing specialist Paul Chaney walks you through each step of setting up a Facebook Ad account. He makes sure that you know how to create a Facebook Ad, how to target the right people with it, and how to navigate the different pricing and scheduling options. By the end of this Take 10, with Paul's help, you should be able to make informed decisions about how to set up your Facebook Ads for the best response.


Paul Chaney — known as the Social Media Handyman — is an Internet marketing consultant, trainer, writer and sought-after speaker. He is also author of The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media, available at Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Who Should Attend?

This PRO webcast is for time-pressed marketers. If you don’t like taking notes, you’ll love the checklist. And if you want to learn during your commute (or at the gym, at a coffee shop, at the airport, or while walking your dog), even better. This Take 10 is portable.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to create a Facebook Ad
  • Why you should use Facebook Ads
  • What "Sponsored Stories" are
  • How to create an advertising campaign on Facebook
  • How to maintain an ad

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In just 10 minutes, each Take 10 webcast features step-by-step instructions on a narrow topic. Packed with takeaways, every episode comes with a handy one-page checklist, so there's no need to take notes. Just download the PDF. PRO members can now watch Take 10 webcasts using the MarketingProfs mobile app. Download the iPhone or Android app, and get smart on the go!

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