Frequently Asked Marketing Question

What is permission marketing?

Answer: Marketers typically compete with each other to force their messages on us. Think about it. We only have so much attention to give, but the number of new and existing products always seems to be on the upswing.

In contrast, permission marketing is pre-approved marketing. At its extreme, imagine selecting every commercial that would be shown during your TV favorite program. Imagine that your friend across the street could select a different mix of commercials.

The basic premise behind permission marketing is that people simply pay more attention to marketing messages they have consciously requested, as opposed to those that are forced upon them when they would rather be doing something else.

While this approach didn’t use to be realistic on a large scale, it now is by using the Internet. Marketing author Seth Godin, in his 1999 book "Permission Marketing," lists six benefits the Internet provides marketers. 1) Stamps are free. 2) The speed of testing is 100 times faster. 3) Response rates are 15 times higher. 4) You can implement curriculum marketing in text and on the web. 5) Frequency is free – you can identify and talk with individuals over and over again. 6) Printing is free.

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