
Topic: Copywriting

Copywriter/ Web Designer Project Management

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I'm a copywriter that also does web layout for copy. I work for a small business so it's necessary that I wear both hats. However i'm having problems properly planning the project and giving a realistic time frame for how long it will take to deliver the finish product. So, My question is. How long should it take to write copy (internet marketing) and How long in your opinion should a web designer take to deliver the copy page? I have no reference and really need outside input. thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It depends on so many factors and variables that there is no answer that will be helpful. I've created very simple landing pages (perhaps 3 or 4 pages, all using the same graphics) in just a few hours (2-3 hours). I've also been involved in projects that spanned weeks (maybe 10-12 weeks), with multiple iterations, test versions and more complex architecture.

    So that leaves us with an answer that looks like, "Something between 2 hours and 3 months." Not very helpful, right?

    You probably have one advantage: You don't need to estimate the time it will take to coordinate the copy and the graphic design components. :)

    You also need to consider what the objective of the project is. If you need to deal with SEO, for example, it will take longer than if you don't. If you need to embed video or create elaborate forms, it may take longer than if you don't. Etc.
  • Posted by getlimed on Accepted
    It sounds like you have to give project bids for your clients?

    Unfortunately the best way to estimate how long a project will take is via experience (as mgoodman alluded to). It might take you awhile to establish a baseline of defined hours for the most basic projects from which you will have to determine how long other more complicated projects. This means you will probably put in longer unpaid hours to complete certain projects. Once you really get a few projects under your belt you will be better able to make estimates.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Here's the thing, I've written copy in 2 days and designed the page in 2 days....but most of the time it takes me about 1-2weeks to really do the project right after all the revisions, testing, etc.

    My problem is I being able to gage how long I should tell my boss I need in order to have enough time to finish. Right now I'm always behind and to my bosses it feels like I'm taking a month to complete the project when the actual work is only 1-2weeks maximum. I like what getlimed has said, just go by experience. I really just want to hear from others who also do double duty or just a web designer..How long does laying out copy take? Here's an example where I did the copy and design (except video) this was a 4 day project:

    then this was a 10 day (working around the clock) project: (i created everything except the main header and the videos, and a few stock photos)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    So why was one site a 4-day project while the other one was a 10-day-round-the-clock project? Why the big difference?

    No matter what we give you as a rule-of-thumb, some jobs are going to take longer than others. Unless you know WHY, you're not going to be able to give your boss a good estimate.

    That's the point: There is no simple answer to the question you're asking. Sometime it takes a few hours or a few days, and other times it takes a few weeks or a few months. No matter what estimate you give your boss, you're going to be wrong most of the time. That's just the way it is.

    What isn't clear is why you're having this problem. Is your boss complaining that everything takes longer than you thought it would? If so, start giving him/her long estimates and you'll come in ahead of the estimate most of the time.

    Or is it that someone is budgeting for the project and you can't meet the budget because the project is taking longer than they estimated? If so, maybe you need to tell them up-front that there's a chance they'll need to have a bigger budget for the project.

    Deal with the real problem. It's not likely you'll find an answer to a question about how long a web designer should take. It's like asking, "How much does dinner cost?" If you have mac and cheese it can cost less than $1.00. If you go to a fine restaurant and order expensive wine it can cost 100x that amount.
  • Posted on Author
    @mgoodman, the Success Circle project took only four days and around the clock still...because it was a re-do of another version. and not so graphic heavy. custom graphics take a while to create.

    It took me about 5 days to write for the second project, and it's a bigger project with a larger price tag attached.

    I like your point of asking why each project takes so long. To my bosses they have their own deadlines. they have events, usually the event date is set before the assignment is given, so we're working backwards.

    we've all thought about using basic templates for each type of copy designs we use..but my boss really don't like templates. and will have me change so much stuff that it becomes an original work.

    I have been underestimating the time and that has shot me in the foot numerous times.

    Maybe I should create a form that covers all that she could possibly want and time to make/create, that way i can have a formula of sorts to work from.

    what do u think?
  • Posted by getlimed on Member
    It sounds like one of the problems then is that your bosses don't have a clear idea of what they want either. Changes to design and copy take time to implement and aren't included in the original bid, at least not in our experience.
  • Posted on Member
    It probably take 2-3 days for writing a copy, 2 days for designed any page and 3 days for revise the whole means, In 7-8 days whole project would be completed.For more detail,you can check my Link-

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