
Topic: Our Forum

Gary Bloomer Hits A Milestone

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
100,000 POINTS...Today is officially Gary Bloomer Day, around the least that's what Gary said.

It has been a true joy and enlightening experience having Gary with us on KHE.

I'm glad I'm the first, Gary (since I only count 99679...CONGRATULATIONS, you have earned every single point, and done so with a certain panache... that is unless panache is something a cat licks...I'm not sure.

Anyway, well done GB
And, if you respond to this question, I'll give you all the make "it" so.

To continue reading this question and the solution, sign up ... it's free!


  • Posted on Moderator
    If we tracked the number of words per point earned, Gary would be a clear #1 for sure! Where he finds time to do this is a true mystery. His acceptance rate is a whopping 86%, and the average number of points per accepted answer is 94.4. And he's only been contributing for something less than a year!!

    Congratulations, Gary. Welcome to the Century Club. By next year at this time, we should see you at the 200G level, right?

    It's a real pleasure to read your advice and be constantly reminded of the wisdom in shooting straight and telling it like it is. You've earned the distinction of reaching this milestone.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Gary, you don't just respond, you wax eloquently. You provide not just answers, but full-blown stories illustrating your points. And because of the details you provide, I get lots of insight not just about your answer but your entire thinking process. Thanks for sharing so much with us all.
  • Posted on Member
    Happy Gary Bloomer Day!

    (How do we celebrate? Cake? Fireworks? Tea and Scones?) ;-)

    Seriously, Gary has made me laugh, cry, and cheer at the computer (tell 'em Gary, tell 'em).

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Congratulations Gary. Insight, good will and much appreciated humor are the hallmarks of your contributions.

    Well earned.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Gary - well done for your superb contributions done with more wit and less cynicism than I can muster! Don’t worry about my dear friend Randall – he’s always been a bit imperial and a hallmark of Kings and Emperors is a desire to drag those they praise to the podium to accept their praise!

    I’ve learned a lot from you, both in style and in content so please don’t lay off now that you’ve hit a milestone which I am sure will encourage many others.


  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Gary - well done for your superb contributions done with more wit and less cynicism than I can muster! Don’t worry about my dear friend Randall – he’s always been a bit imperial and a hallmark of Kings and Emperors is a desire to drag those they praise to the podium to accept their praise!

    I’ve learned a lot from you, both in style and in content so please don’t lay off now that you’ve hit a milestone which I am sure will encourage many others.


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear All,

    I'm touched and humbled. Thank you all—each one of you.

    In the last ten months you've all taught me SO much: not to be such a wise ass; how to frame responses; when to send in the dogs; when to shut the hell up, and when to speak my mind.

    True, my responses have been a tad long at times: I blame
    my enthusiasm for the art and science of marketing, design, advertising, and business—and I'm thrilled to know that there
    have been times when I've given people something to think about.

    I've been quieter over the last few weeks for personal reasons, and although the last ten days have seen major lifestyle changes for me, I'm now beginning to see blue sky where, up until a few days ago, there were only storm clouds and pouring rain (which was almost like being back in my native England!).

    So again, thank you all so much for your kind words, for your encouragement, and for your support.

    I enjoy giving responses here on the KHE, and I enjoy giving value when and where I can.

    But the greater joy is to know that my efforts have been and are valued and appreciated.

    This said, I'll end with one of my favorite quotations, and one that means a great deal to me for lots of reasons:

    "To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive. But the true success, is to labour” —Robert Louis Stevenson

    Sincere thanks and kind regards to you all, especially to Randall for opening this thread.


    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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