Topic: Copywriting
How Long To Compose 30 Second Radio Spots?
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Copywriters will be supplied with information from our clients from which to write the ads for their products/services/businesses, but the need to ask a question or two of our clients could arise.
Since we are looking to hire freelancers and will pay an hourly rate, it is important that we are able to determine at least a ball park figure as to how many 30 second spots are most likely to be written/hour.
I was told by a journalist one 30 second spot could be written every 6 minutes, which means 10 ads could be written in an hour. I'm wondering how accurate this is and how realistic it is to expect a copywriter to spit one high quality 30 second spot out after another and still have each one be fresh and new.
Broad categories will include travel, finance, business, health and wellness, lifestyle, fashion and beauty, teen, and arts with many subcategories in each.
Any and all answers to this question would be greatly appreciated. We begin hiring on Monday and need answers before we can do so.
Would like to obtain answers that come as accurate as possible so if more information is needed, please let me know.
Many thanks to all who reply.
Grateully yours,