
Topic: Copywriting

Introductory Statement For Website Homepage

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
The name of our company is The Health and Beauty Connection (THBC) We put groups of 8-10 doctors (specializing in health and beauty, i.e Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists etc.) together. To become a part of a group, a doctor must agree to provides discounts on their services to the patients of the other doctors in the group. The benefit to a doctor is that we will advertise their discounted services to the patients of the other doctors, so that all doctors may gain new patients. (Please note that there are no competing specialties within a group.)

On our home page it lists the services, the regular price, the discounted price (for those patients who purchase a membership in THBC), the savings, and the doctor providing the service.

One idea for an introduction to this page would be:

Welcome to the Health and Beauty Connection’s MENU OF SAVINGS, where members choose from a wide variety of services, from the city’s premier doctors, while saving thousands of dollars.

Check out our Member's Prices and you'll see why everyone is joining THBC.

So what we are selling essentially is the savings the patient receives by becoming a member of THBC.

Any thoughts on a more compelling way to introduce our offer would be very much appreciated. Thank You
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  • Posted by RapollaGroup on Accepted
    Your concept of the cooperative approach is a proven one, although I think you may want to consider the driving value of your group being not price or savings driven. That can be one of the supporting marketing themes, but based on the type of services that your group represents, I don't think the clientele or prime target client would be drawn to a group positioned on "savings" or discount services. I would shift the groups catagory exclusivity as a means to position a message that says only a select group of providers that all represent a commitment to the client and is driven to ensure the quality and treatment standards are the best in the industry. Weaving that message into the group seems like you would draw the preferred more recurring type clients for your group and also one that would provide a better lifetime value. The group itself become more marketable and keeps the providers more honest as there would be a strong interest by competing providers wanting to take a spot should someone not meet the standards etc.

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, however this not address our question. As for the advice of focusing more on exclusivity and quality, these characteristics are very secondary in today's economy. Savings and price have to be the primary focus.
  • Posted on Accepted
    What geographic area do you serve, nosceo2000?

    I think you are dismissing the suggestion of RapollaGroup too quickly, and/or you don't really understand it. Even when your main reason for being is low price/discount/savings, you need to stress the BENEFIT customers will realize when they deal with you. Low price is not a benefit; it's a feature. If people don't want the benefit, there is no price that will convert them to customers.

    Net, I disagree with your mandate that "savings and price have to be the primary focus." If you focus on the low price, nobody will buy. You can certainly offer the discounts, and you may even become known for providing the lowest price, but that's not the reason people will join the group. They'll join because of the BENEFIT they hope/expect to receive.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The other experts have given you great advice. Perhaps lead your copy with testimonials of recent members: how easy it was, how wonderful the results, and how much they saved (note: be sure to read:

    If each of the members is already well-regarded and is well-trusted (as others have said, I'm not going to trust my body to necessarily the cheapest doctor - but if they're great AND inexpensive, I'm interested), then show the power of the plan.
  • Posted on Author
    you too are not understanding our model. The talent and expertise of these top rated physicians are ALREADY available to the patients - ALREADY meaning without becoming a member of THBC. So the ONLY reason to join THBC is to receive a discount on the services that these top rated physicians are already providing to their patients.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    (Aside: If people already trust these physicians, then why not have a small ad on each of these physician's websites to help the co-branding effort?)

    Eliminate the "Welcome to...", and lead with the clear benefit. For example:

    "Save thousands of dollars on the city's premium doctors.


    Joining the Health and Beauty Connection brings you the buying power of our organization..."
  • Posted by sturcotte on Accepted
    This is a great conversation and there are many valid points. It makes sense to both highlight your competitive advantage on the homepage, as well as the overall quality that the doctors offer.

    DO Remember that your homepage is your most valuable piece of "real estate" for your website. Make sure to include on the home page any words that you think people would be using in a search engine to find you (city + plastic surgery, city + dermatology, etc.).

    Also, make sure to use these words in the title tag of your homepage and in the meta description. Additionally, make sure that each of your website pages has a unique title tag succinctly stating what the page is about and, again, using keywords in the title and in the page copy.

    Very Best,
    Stephen Turcotte
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear nosceo2000,

    You've already told several people, all of whom have DECADES of experience that they don't understand your model.

    Perhaps they don't. So that means it's your job to climb down off your high horse for a moment and EXPLAIN it to them. To all of us.

    What is the relevance and significance of discounted plastic surgery? Why is a discounted service enough in terms of a compelling offer?

    But before you go any farther there's an essential point you need to grasp, one that ties in with your copy. You tell your reader to:

    "Check out our Member's Prices and you'll see why everyone is joining THBC."

    Everyone? Really? I doubt it. Everyone is NOT your customer. Think about it. Everyone in the whole wide world? That's like someone saying they've told me a billion times not to exaggerate.

    When any supplier tells its audience that "everyone" is its customer a huge red flag gets hoisted. "Everyone" is a wide, meaningless, catch-all statement that sounds good, but that
    means nothing.

    The sales term "Everyone", along with its close relative "All the time" needs to be taken behind the sales barn and shot.

    Now, prices are on thing. But everyone is NOT joining your plan.
    If everyone is your customer the service and its results are cheapened in the customer's inner world of perception.

    When everyone is your customer your service becomes average, middle-of-the-road, so-so. And when this happens, ultimately, the service or product becomes invisible.

    If I'm buying your service I don't want what invisibility. I don't want what everyone else is getting. I want special service. I want love, care, attention, and hot and cold running room service 24/7.

    Personally, I have a face like a bulldog chewing a lemon—the perfect face for radio, and what I'd want from your service is a guarantee that you'll turn me into the Greek god version of Brad Pitt.

    Do not sell on price. If you do this you attract bargain hunters,
    tyre kickers, and wholly the WRONG sorts of patients for your top docs to hold up as referrals. I'm not saying there are the wrong kinds of patients because that implies that there's the wrong kind of customer, which is nonsense.

    But as a doctor I don't want patients who are as ugly as sin and who I cannot help REGARDLESS of the amount of money they spend—and people who bitch, moan, and whine about every last charge. I want people I can show off

    If I'm buying plastic surgery, I want THE BEST. I don't want a discounted doc. And if I'm selling plastic surgery I don't want bargain hunters.

    I get the whole notion of the only reason for people to join is to get a discount on the service. But this, in certain minds MAY introduce an element of doubt and raise the question "Why is it cheaper?"

    You've made it clear that several people here don't, in your eyes, understand your model. But tell me this: does your model work?
    Are people taking advantage of the discounts and are patients entering and leaving the sales system happy (and better looking), and are the doctors IN the system happy with their increase in the number of referrals?

    I'm not trying to be awkward here. I'm trying to find some common ground on which to build a firmer foundation.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Author
    Please Help - Is there anyone out there with the expertise to simply write a short paragraph of COMPELLING introductory copy that focuses on savings. The cities premier physicians and wide variety of services being offered can certainly be mentioned, but savings is the key.

    Please don't waste your time responding if you're going to try explain why I'm not on target with savings being the priority (as several others have). There are things about the model that these people do not understand and it shouldn't be necessary for me to write numerous additional paragraphs to fully explain the model. Rather, I would prefer to simply get some good introductory copy, using the guidelines I've given.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Most of us here are professional marketers who don't like abetting clients who are pursuing a losing strategy. It paints US with the same brush of amateurish marketing that we try so hard to counter.

    So it's OK if you want to follow the strategy you've set out for yourself -- focusing heavily, if not exclusively, on low price, discounts and savings. That's your decision.

    But please understand that we're not eager to help implement what we see as a flawed strategy. I'm not asking you to agree with our assessment, but please consider that we might just be right and that we have OUR reputations to protect too. (I, for one, don't want to be seen as a consultant who enables errant marketing strategists when someone comes across this thread a year from now.)
  • Posted on Author
    Consider for a moment that I have far more facts about the model than you do, and that it's therefore possible I'm pursuing the correct strategy.

    Unfortunately it appears that no one (at least so far) has enough confidence in there ability to write compelling copy, and would prefer to avoid having their work evaluated by pontificating about my marketing strategy (which again, you have very limited facts)

    Is there anyone who has enough confidence in their ability to take a shot at writing a paragraph of introductory copy???
  • Posted on Moderator
    Of course it's possible that you are pursuing the correct strategy. Nobody is claiming to have a monopoly on truth when it comes to strategy.

    If you have more facts about the model that you think would be helpful in briefing us on the challenge, please offer them up. It's not a question of confidence. It's that the assignment appears to be based on a flawed premise, and we are concerned (for you and for us) that we'll simply help you fail faster if we give you what you're asking for without understanding all the facts and background.

    Instead of challenging our expertise and confidence, why don't you share the facts you have so we can help you? We really DO want to help.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear nosceo2000,

    Your willingness to address the points raised by Michael Goodman (and a few others) would help contributors to help you. I'm sure few people here (if any) doubt that you know your model better than anyone else.

    It's just that your comments overall sound overly defensive, something that might be the reason why so few contributions have risen to your copywriting challenge.

    Just a thought.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Author
    I appreciate your thought Gary, and you might be correct. However, I'm not willing to take the time to elaborate on the intricacies of my model that cause it to be primarily value driven. I would rather go elsewhere to have what I thought was a very simple request fulfilled - write introductory copy using the guidelines I provided. I'm not looking for consultation beyond the limited scope of my instructions, and unfortunately the "experts" seem hell-bent on just that.

    Thank you though for your observation.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Dear nosceo2000,

    I feel your frustration :)

    However, polease be aware that this forum is a place for discussion and sharing of ideas and expertise :)

    The experts of course will share their ideas and comments.

    THey will also 'Help you to write your copy by offering guidleines and ideas on the direction and message'. Please be aware however that no one is going to write your copy for you without getting paid for the expertise :)

    I think the most helpful thing that you can do is to post the link to your website so that we can all go and take a look at it instead of wasting time trying to figure out exactly what you are selling :)

    Are you in the US for instance? the UK? India?

    What is your target market? High end? low end?

    The type of copy and message therein will need to be crafted to 'speak directly' to the target market. Are we talking mostly about women? men? of course the message is different for each.

    I am currently selling health and well being online and generating well over $1,000,000 per month in incomes ONLINE.

    I can promise you that PRICE is absolutely the last thing that people want to hear about. We know, we tried and tried and tried.

    Honmeslty, they only want to hear about how much it costs, AFTER, we have already convinced them that our doctors are thr right ones to buy from.

    People do not choose a doctor on PRICE - they choose on WOM reputation, naem, brand image and only then do thye care about the price.

    Please post up the link to your site and the experts here will come back with some key points about 'crafting a message' that will help you to win business :))

    Good luck.

  • Posted on Accepted

    I see you have opened up a hornets nest. I'm with you on this, as I have seen this kind of 'price-led' offer work well.

    First I will explain it to the others, then give you the copy you want.

    In many parts of the world, the COST of medical and other treatments is the key objection to purchase. In your case, the perceived cost of the treatment represents a barrier to overcome and outweighs all other considerations, including other benefits.

    I know you have had trouble explaining the concept, but all the others need to do is look at the number of people who fly out of the country for dental treatment (to Mexico and Eastern Europe) and for cosmetic surgery (Argentina).

    The objection (cost) is more important than the benefits, which do not need to be stated, as a qualified doctor's reassurance for most things is adequate. To cover those, you need a list of doctors with pictures, qualifications and experience with a gold background.

    The key, as a copywriter, is to use the word 'CLUB' and invite new 'members'. I would start off by stating something like:

    "The Health and Beauty Connection (THBC) is a closed club of highly qualified doctors, pre-eminent in their chosen fields, specializing in health and beauty. For a limited period, we are opening our club for new members. The Health and Beauty Connection club has, for XX years, offered specialist treatment at special membership rates. Apply today to receive full details with customer reviews and testimonials for your area of interest. Then, as soon as your membership is approved, you will receive our member pack and directory with 'firm price' quotes for treatments from our panel of doctors. "

    I have not seen your site, but the copy above is the kind of thing that gets response. It is always worth holding some information in reserve that prospects must apply to receive. This information can be delivered via password access to a section on your website, as a pdf book, or hard copy. Before and after shots, as you will be aware, are always crowd pullers.

    I hope this helps and fits in with your model. And I will reiterate once more: Before writing a piece of copy, always ask - "is there any reason why people won't buy this?" Unless that is covered up front and quickly, the prospect will not read on. With cosmetic and dental surgery, price is a major objection especially as in some countries such as the USA and the UK, prices seem to be set sky-high while in others, Mexico, Hungary, Argentina, there are superb doctors who provide treatment for a quarter of the price. That fact is always in peoples minds and must be dealt with in the first paragraph.

    Good luck with this. I might join!
  • Posted on Moderator
    Very interesting that Peter's suggested copy approach never mentions lower price, discount or savings!

    Follow his lead, nosceo2000. Thanks, Peter.
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    Peter -

    Bravo for a good explanation to nosceo2000 and our forum.

    Like Michael, I think you are wise to use "special membership rates" and "firm price' quotes" in your copy instead of saying "lower price, discount or savings."

    Corpcommer - MC
  • Posted on Member
    Glad you like the copy, thanks. But just wait 'til you see the headline!

    I am working on it now ..
  • Posted on Author
    Ok Peter, you get it, and you're awesome. THANK YOU!!!
    I value your insight and would be glad to provide some more information.

    Step 1 is each doctor will send an email to their patients (I would love your thoughts on what the content of the email should be), referring them to join THBC. A link in the email will take the patient to a page that will contain the following information:

    - at the top will be some introductory copy (i read that you are working on this), and below there will be 4 columns. The first column will be a picture of the doctor, including the name of his practice and his specialty. Each of the doctors (there will be 8-10 doctors) will be clickable so that the patient can get more info. on the doctor.

    The second column will list the names of the services/procedures the doctors are willing to discount. Each doctor will offer approximately 4-5 discounted services/procedures. Each of these will be clickable so that the patient can get more info.

    The third column will be non-member price, and will list the doctors regular price. The fourth column will list the members price, and the fifth column will list the savings (the difference between columns 3 and 4.

    The savings will vary from service to service, and will range from $100 to $1500. We are still trying to figure out how much we should charge for the annual membership fee. We thought we would do some test marketing in order to come up with the best price point. We were thinking somewhere in the range of $100 - $200. I would really appreciate your thoughts on the price point issue.

    In addition to our doctor's patients being driven to our website from their emails, we will also be driving other potential prospects to our site through SEO, social networking, etc. etc. These prospects will first be taken to a page that briefly explains the concept, and prompts them to enter their zip code in order to find out how much they would save by becoming a member. The zip code entry will take them to the page (with the nearest group of doctors) like the one i described earlier with the 4 columns.

    I'm very interested in getting additional feedback from you, now that you know a little more about how we intend for this to work.

    Thank You again Peter

  • Posted on Member
    nosceo2000 Hi again! I was afraid you had left forever! In answer to your questions I recommend the following:

    1. Content of email can be along the lines of the copy already supplied, with some additions and changes etc. to make it more immediate. It doesn't matter if the website copy is similar - in fact it reinforces the message

    2. Price? It will be compared with the savings your doctors are offering, and those are really wide. I would test something like $99 and $199. Testing on low numbers is not easy, but will give an indication for later price adjustments. There won't be a problem with either lifting the fee or dropping it later - it's an easy copywriting task for an expert. But you have to bring response in right away and that is the key. That is why I suggested staging the process. That will build a good list of hot prospects and make the website (and you) look like a winner.

    3. Health and beauty treatments should be viewed as an ongoing service, not a one-off. So that should be used as a club benefit in the copy: prospects will see you are thinking long-term (they should also be thinking long-term). That will help with renewals and you can use automated renewal payments on your website.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted on Moderator

    How did you do that? You posted your latest response even though MarketingProfs thinks you don't exist!

    Click on your screen name and see if you get the same thing we do -- "Sorry, that member no longer exists."

    Sure glad to see you are alive and well. We were concerned for you. Welcome back ... if you ever left.
  • Posted on Member
    Michael - thanks for pointing that out!

    There must be a fault in the system because I have account details all OK in 'my account', but when I click on 'Edit Profile' it comes up with a message: 'Sorry, this information was not found'.

    So I can't get into it to do anything from here.

    Do I need to contact anyone to correct this?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Peter, we are looking into this...but I'd need your email address to sort it out.

    Can you please email me at: bethh [at] marketingprofs [dot] com?

    Community Manager, MarketingProfs
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Peter. Are you working on headline copy?
  • Posted on Moderator
    Peter, we have your profile back up and running...

    Community Manager, MarketingProfs
  • Posted on Accepted
    I just redid my home page and bio page. Well, I didn't do it, my marketing assistant is doing it. I'm following a content process I purchased a few years ago. Basically (in my own words) the home page includes:

    Headline: What group is an ideal client for you? : What is Their Pain?

    Ideal Client: Your Company works with - who is your ideal client

    Major Problem: If you’re like most ____ _you’re facing _____

    Best Solution: The solution to the problem.

    Matrix: Measure of success from those who take your advice or guarantee

    Creditability: Results clients have produced, time in business, 3-4 sentences

    Call to action: Provide: link to bottom of your marketing funnel, link to more about your ideal client, link to hire you now.

    Everything is as short as possible.
    Add up to two testimonials to the page.
    Page length - no more than 3-4 scrolls of your mouse

    If you'd like more information on the process or my marketing assistant, LMK. :)
  • Posted on Member

    Your headline is:

    "Health and beauty treatment doesn't have to be expensive!"

    Use the quotation marks, and drop the quote into your opening, so the whole thing reads like this:


    "Health and beauty treatment doesn't have to be expensive!"
    The Health and Beauty Connection (THBC) is a closed club of highly qualified doctors, pre-eminent in their chosen fields, specializing in health and beauty. For a limited period, we are opening our club for new members. The Health and Beauty Connection club offers specialist treatment at special membership rates -- as you will discover, health and beauty treatment doesn't have to be expensive!
    Apply today to receive full details with customer reviews and testimonials for your area of interest. Then, as soon as your membership is approved, you will receive our member pack and directory with 'firm price' quotes for treatments from our panel of doctors.


    I have removed the sentence stating how long THBC have been in business in case this is a new or recent venture. There are ways to push a 'new' aspect too, to make it a benefit rather than a drawback.

    It's all verbal alchemy!

    Best wishes


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