Facebook's algorithm gives preference to visual content—photos, GIFs, videos—allowing marketers to engage audiences effectively.

But, to ensure your Facebook efforts and ad buys pay off, you need to use the right image sizes and dimensions. A guide to the various types of images usable on Facebook would be such a help...

Thankfully, an infographic by SEO and Internet marketing agency TechWyse offers detailed guidelines for Facebook image sizes and dimensions in 2019.

Keeping up with the changes that Facebook continually introduces can be tough. Stories, for example, appeared initially on mobile versions. They eventually appeared on desktop. And, later, their placement was made more prominent as the company doubled-down on the image-based format.

Check out the infographic for all the details of Facebook image sizes and dimensions:

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Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshian is the director of publications at MarketingProfs and a longtime editor. Reach him via vahe@marketingprofs.com.

LinkedIn: Vahe Habeshian

Twitter: @habesh