We often hear the terms "multichannel marketing" and "omnichannel marketing," and in the past we have explored the differences between those two strategies.

Today, we'll focus on the omnichannel approach, which—when done well—creates a multifaceted yet seamless customer experience across the different channels that a customer might use to engage with a brand.

A truly omnichannel advertising campaign is not just about the ability to have ads on those different channels, but also to have a well orchestrated customer experience and effective tracking. All of which can pay off: Companies with a strong omnichannel presence have a 9.5% increase in annual revenue, on average, according to an infographic by PK4 Media

Marketers often think of email, social, phone, and direct mail as channels that should work together for a seamless experience. But your omnichannel campaign strategy might need to go beyond those to include OLV (online video) on desktop and mobile or tablet devices; OTT (over the top boxes) like Hulu or NBC on demand; and DOOH (digitial out-of-home; AKA ,digital screens), such as digital billboards.

With so much to consider when coming up with your omnichannel ad strategy, it's important to have the right partners and resources in place to make sure your program can grow and succeed.

One place to start? Check out the following infographic to consider why you might want to adopt an omnichannel strategy, see which channels you may want to consider, and get some tips to start off right. Just tap or click to see a larger version.

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Omnichannel: The Secret to Digital Advertising Success [Infographic]

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.