B2B buyers say the top things they look for in vendor websites when evaluating potential solutions are relevant content and pricing/competitive information, according to recent research from Demand Gen Report and Demandbase.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in May and June 2021 among 257 B2B marketing, sales, and IT executives who are involved in purchasing decisions.

Some 65% of B2B buyers say one of the Top 3 criteria they look for when visiting the website of a potential solution provider is easy access to relevant content that speaks directly to their company, and 65% say they look for easy access to pricing and competitive information:

Top things buyers look for when visiting vendor websites

Some 56% of B2B buyers say a Web search was among the first three resources they turned to to evaluate their most recent solution purchase, and 39% say vendor websites were among the first three resources.

Three resources that provided buyers with a solution

Some 79% of B2B buyers say content from the winning vendor had a significant impact on their most recent purchase.

Does content influence buyer decisions

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in May and June 2021 among 257 B2B marketing, sales, and IT executives who are involved in purchasing decisions.

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What B2B Buyers Want From Vendor Websites

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanji is a writer, editor, and a content strategist. He is a co-founder of ICW Media and a research writer for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn: Ayaz Nanji

Twitter: @ayaznanji