Some 55% of men's college basketball fans in the United States like to garden as a hobby, according to a recent report from Neustar.

The report was based on data from Neustar's PlatformOne, which provides drink, hobby, music, sport, and TV show preferences for specific market segments.

Some 32% of men's college basketball fans order wine at restaurants (7% drink Kendall-Jackson); 31% own golf clubs; 17% listen to jazz; and 13% eat at the Outback Steakhouse, according to the analysis.

The researchers also examined the preferences of consumers in the United States who buy licensed sports clothing: 39% of this group like to visit zoos; 25% watch "The Big Bang Theory" on television; and 18% enjoy scrapbooking as a hobby.

Check out the infographic below for more insights from the report:

About the research: The report was based on data from Neustar's PlatformOne, which provides drink, hobby, music, sport, and TV show preferences for specific market segments.

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What March Madness Fans Like: Gardening, Wine, and Zoos [Infographic]

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanji is a writer, editor, and a content strategist. He is a co-founder of ICW Media and a research writer for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn: Ayaz Nanji

Twitter: @ayaznanji