Parents who use Facebook are nearly evenly split between those who friend their kids on Facebook (48%) and those who do not (52%), according to a survey from Retrevo.

Meanwhile, a plurality of surveyed parents (36%) say the appropriate age for children to have their own social media page is between 16 and 18, while 30% say it's appropriate for kids to have their own page if they're between 13 and 15 years old.

Some parents, however, want to play it safe: 26% say kids should wait until they are adults (18+) before they have their own social media account.

Below, other findings from Retrevo's Gadgetology Report.

Texting During Family Meals

Nearly one-third (29%) of parents say they don't allow texting during family meals; 36% of parents of teenagers say the same:

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Disciplining Kids

When their kids misbehave, most parents (47%) say they talk with their kids; 27% ground their kids; and 22% take away TV privileges. Denial of access to social media, mobile phone, and the Internet is less likely.

About the data: The Retrevo Gadgetology Report is an ongoing study of people and electronics from the consumer electronics shopping and review site The data are from an April 2010 online survey of 1,000 people, evenly distributed across gender, age, income, and location in the US.

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How Parents Deal with Kids' Social Media Use

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