Analysts and researchers have been saying it for years: Video is the future of B2B content marketing. And in 2021, that projection still holds up.

Marketers across all segments are realizing the potential of video. A substantial 71% of B2B marketers use video in their content strategies, 2020 research from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute found.

That number can only be expected to rise as businesses and their customers migrate toward video as their preferred form of content for entertainment and information alike.

Benefits of B2B Video Marketing

Video is quickly becoming B2B marketers' content of choice for plenty of reasons. A recent study by Wyzowl found that video has a vast range of benefits in 2021:

  • Above-average ROI
  • Significantly higher engagement rate than that of other content types
  • Increased website traffic
  • Improved sales numbers
  • Additional lead generation

Such benefits are essential, so get started with the following five actionable B2B video marketing tips that can help increase your sales this year.

Five Profit-Driven B2B Video Marketing Tips

1. Keep videos short, sweet, and to the point

B2B organizations often provide complicated solutions to complicated problems, so it can be challenging to clearly and simply articulate your offerings and benefits without getting caught up in the technical details. With that in mind, make it a top priority to keep your video content short, precise, and laser-focused on the benefits you offer.

In fact, 70% of viewers tend to engage with videos that are under two minutes long. Videos longer than two minutes have a stark drop in engagement rates.

You might still be tempted to produce lengthy videos to fully convey the complexity and range of features in your product or service. However, you'll have a far higher chance of keeping your audience's attention if you focus on streamlining your communication.

Keep your videos under two minutes long by focusing on a handful of your product's most significant benefits. Brevity and conciseness will help your viewers have a clear takeaway from your video, making it easier to win them over or spur them to action.

2. Create video case studies

It's helpful to show an advertisement for a product's benefits, but it's even better to show how that product has benefited its users in the real world. You know that—and, most important, your audience knows that. That's why case studies are such a high-performing strategy for B2B video marketing.

Case study videos can demonstrate to your audience how your solutions work and what they can do. By creating an engaging story that shows how your offering solved your customer's problems, you help your viewers see your product's power firsthand, as well as the benefits of switching from a competitor.

3. Use videos to address buy-in concerns

Convincing your audience to take the plunge on a purchase is no easy task, and the B2B purchase cycle has dramatically increased in the past year, research by Demand Gen Report suggests. That means businesses have to put in extra effort to encourage their audience to make each purchase.

Because videos tend to be more memorable and easier to understand than other kinds of content, they can be the perfect medium to address buy-in concerns directly.

For example, maybe your potential customers are hesitant because your product doesn't have a certain function. In that case, you could produce a video emphasizing how your product can still boost productivity with its current slate of abilities. Or perhaps your audience isn't sold on your asking price. So, create an engaging video that emphasizes how much more value you offer than the competition.

Videos can be a versatile option for improving sales by helping customers overcome whatever concerns are keeping them from buying.

4. Develop tutorial and demo videos

B2B customers can't waste time on a product that might not serve their needs. You can soothe that hesitancy by developing comprehensive product demos and tutorial videos that show your solution in action, instructing viewers how to use it and showing off its unique capabilities.

Tutorial videos' benefits are twofold:

  1. They can ease buyers through the purchase process by helping them understand how to use your product before making a purchase, giving them peace of mind and helping them hit the ground running when they make their purchase.
  2. They can help customers see the full capabilities of your product without their having to make a purchase, helping them make up their mind before committing to buying or not buying your offering.

Producing tutorial and demo videos will help you streamline your customers' buyer journeys, ensuring a smoother experience and boosting your sales in the process.

5. Offer engaging customer onboarding videos

If B2B onboarding videos are designed to be viewed after a customer makes a purchase, what do they have to do with boosting sales and increasing profits?

The answer: customer retention.

So many companies pour all their efforts into customer acquisition, but it's essential to focus on customer retention. In fact, customers who have positive onboarding experiences are more likely to feel engaged with your company, boosting their purchase frequency by more than 90% and their transaction spending by 60%.

Your onboarding videos don't have to be anything fancy. However, they should be clear, engaging, and helpful to your audience, providing all the information they need to quickly start using your product in their own businesses.

* * *

Video marketing is already one of the most popular B2B content tactics, and it's only going to keep growing. It's powerful, helping you further connect with your customers, resolve whatever problems they might have, and, ultimately, increase your bottom line.

Producing videos might be an intimidating process if you're just getting started, but with the previous five tips in your marketing toolbox, you'll be on the right track.

More Resources on B2B Video Marketing

B2B Video Content: Top Goals, Formats, Channels, and Challenges

Seven Tips for Building a Video Marketing Campaign

How to Use Video for Every Stage of the Sales Funnel

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image of Torrey Tayenaka

Torrey Tayenaka is a co-founder and the CEO at Sparkhouse, an Orange County-based video production agency.

LinkedIn: Torrey Tayenaka

Twitter: @Tayenaka