What's it mean to be "innovative"?

"Innovation" is one of those words that we understand in the abstract or in retrospect—but consider hard to apply in daily life, and in real time.

And how can you discern the difference between real innovative genius (say, the coffee-cup holder in your car console, or Disney's Fast Pass program) and flat-out silly innovations (I'd put the selfie stick in that category).

Last week, Sir Ken Robinson presented a 90-minute video talk and Q&A at MarketingProfs on the nature of innovation in organizations.

Sir Ken is an internationally recognized authority and speaker on creativity and innovation in education and business. He is the most-viewed speaker on TED.com, with multiple talks totaling more than 40 million views. He is also the author of the bestselling books The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything and Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life.

Sir Ken argued that innovation is critical and imagination is the spark that fuels it.

That sounds both vague and high-minded, doesn't it? But holy wow... it so wasn't!

I'm one of those people who gets antsy at webinars. But last week I was zero percent tempted during Sir Ken's talk to start scrolling through my email or checking Twitter.

Part of that ability to engage was Sir Ken's delivery: He's hilarious—in a British dry-humor kind of way. Which makes the big concepts he talks about feel accessible and suddenly relevant to all of our lives.

I came away from his talk feeling inspired to do things differently within my own organization as well as elsewhere in the world. When's the last time that you had that kind of reaction to a marketing webinar?

To paraphrase Eliza Doolittle—that 'ardly hevver 'appens.

I can't quite capture Sir Ken's entire talk here... but what follows are 10 highlights. If you're wanting more, you can watch the entire seminar.

1. 'Innovation has to become a habit.... Innovation needs to be systematic, deliberate; it is what defines you as an organization.'

Innovation is simply a habit, not an art or a gift. (That reminds me of my philosophy toward writing: It's a habit, not an art.)

"Make innovation part of the daily conversation," Sir Ken said.

2. 'Tools stretch our minds in new directions. They allow us to do things, but also tools extend our minds.'

When the iPhone came out, in 2007, there were a few hundred apps for it. Now, there are a ka-frickin-zillion. (That's not Sir Ken's word, it's mine.)

"You can now download an app that turns your iPhone into a blues harmonica," Ken said. "Why? I have a blues harmonica that's smaller than the iPhone..."

The bigger point is that tools and technologies allow us to channel creativity and innovation in new, unexpected ways.

"Innovation feeds on itself. It becomes part of a multiplier effect" in that things are launched that were unanticipated by the original design or intent, Sir Ken said.

Innovation isn't a straight line, in other words; rather, it's "a kind of conversation, multi-layered and multi-modal," he said.

3. 'Technology is one of the two big drives of change. All the innovations and changes we're seeing now are baby steps on the road to what we will see.'

In 10-20 years, your children will be looking back at pictures of you with your iPad with a patronizing smile. Because we're moving in a different direction: Technology will merge with human intelligence.

The notion of enhancing our intelligence by integrating tech with our brains isn't far-fetched. It's the future.

4. 'Companies are living organisms; if they don't evolve, they simply don't make it. Innovation isn't optional.'

Organizations are mortal: Most last only 30-40 years. And they don't survive if they don't evolve.

One good example is Kodak. It invented the brownie camera, which Sir Ken called "the iPad of its day." The Brownie camera made photography accessible to everyone, and as a result Kodak went on to be the dominant force in photography.

Now the company is in receivership. Kodak didn't fail because people stopped taking photographs: We take more photos now, not less ("an irritating number," Sir Ken in a mock grouse). Rather, Kodak failed because it didn't adapt to a digital culture and instead bet its future on film—"when things really went quite differently, of course," Sir Ken said.

Kodak was created by chemists and it was run by chemists. That, Sir Ken speculated, might've contributed to a kind of innovation blind spot at Kodak.

"Kodak created a habit of mind, a culture that stopped them from innovating," he said.

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Innovation Is Vital for Your Organization's Survival: 10 Must-Learn Lessons From Sir Ken Robinson

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image of Ann Handley

Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author who recently published Everybody Writes 2. She speaks worldwide about how businesses can escape marketing mediocrity to ignite tangible results. IBM named her one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing. Ann is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs, a LinkedIn Influencer, a keynote speaker, mom, dog person, and writer.