All right, marketing pros, time to listen up. Although online video might not be the easiest marketing technique to take on, more businesses are carving out time and resources to ensure it's on their list.

According to a recent survey (registration required), 76% of respondents cited YouTube and video marketing as their top marketing expenditures in 2012. Only 1% said they plan to spend less on video marketing in 2013. Still not completely convinced? Don't worry, there's more.

More than 85% of Internet users watch online videos, according to data from September 2012. Of those internet users, 46% said, they could be more likely to click through for more information after watching videos about a product than without a video. That's a powerful sales statistic.

About 70% of B2B as well as B2C online marketers now use video, which, in the case of B2C, makes it the fourth most popular content marketing tactic (just behind social media other than blogs, articles on one's own website, and e-newsletters), and the sixth most popular among B2B marketers (behind the previously mentioned three, and right after case studies and blogs).

Moreover, 65% of B2C online marketers (and 61% of B2B online marketers) post videos on YouTube, which averages around four billion views a day, and viewers using mobile devices watch videos three times as long as those on laptops and desktops.

So, why is this marketing marvel so effective? Many video producers and marketers now use video because it can be simple and budget-friendly. In addition, YouTube videos often produce high rankings in Google, which boosts online presence and SEO and draws in prospective customers who are searching for exactly what your business has to offer. Moreover, videos have the opportunity to go viral and accumulate millions of views, generating advertising with no extra cost to your business.

As always, before you begin using any marketing tool, you should understand the best tactics for reaching your audiences. With these four tips, marketing pros will be able determine how to incorporate videos into their overall approach.

1. Keep the mobile viewer in mind

When you produce and share videos, keep them short and shareable. Don't be afraid to allow text, graphics, and even your interview subjects to appear a little larger than you might have in the past, since mobile viewers will be watching on a smaller screen. For example, ESPN's mobile site regularly displays a large video on the homepage as a way to better show the action in a story.

2. Avoid large blocks of text

In place of large amounts of text on your website, use video, especially when explaining difficult concepts or when telling a story. The average time spent on pages with videos is twice as long as time spent on pages without video.

3. Include video in email marketing

People are tired of getting the same old emails. Integrating video into email marketing campaigns has been shown to increase click-through rates by more than 96%. Think of ways to include videos in your email marketing campaigns and be sure to include a play button on the video thumbnail in the email design. For example, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis included an enticing thumbnail in an email newsletter to encourage readers to view the video and learn more.

4. Use a call to action

Place a call to action (CTA) at the end of your video. It's a great way to get your audience to sign up for your email list, register for an upcoming event, or browse your product and service list. Viewers of a product video are 64-85% more likely to buy after watching. Need help brainstorming? Check out these 25 Flavors of CTAs for Your Videos.

* * *

Businesses also need to be aware of certain job titles and departments that explicitly benefit from the use of video. For example, a sales manager can benefit from video by including the sales staff; doing so would connect the audience not only to the product or service but also to people. REI recently used video for customer service online.

Video is connecting people online like never before, opening the door for businesses to enhance email, product and company websites, blog content, and more. The future of content marketing has arrived.

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image of Rocky Walls

Rocky Walls is a video communications strategist, speaker, and adviser, and CEO of video communications company 12 Stars Media.

Twitter: @RockyWalls or @12StarsMedia

LinkedIn: Rocky Walls