Every time the tradeshow season rolls around, I hear the same old question: How can I tap into the special sales markets without using last year's hats, bags, Frisbees, pens, and other boring gimmicks?

The solution is simple and effective—good old-fashioned books. Books that are high in valuable content and actionable information will establish expert credibility for you and your firm and deliver a useful tool to your clients. And the best part: You probably have all the information you need already written in newsletters, case studies, user manuals, etc. It is then just a matter of repackaging the content and publishing through a legitimate publishing house.

OK, but isn't that too good to be true?

Yes, it certainly sounds far-fetched. After all, publishing is that pie-in-the-sky dream that every author dreams of and rarely gets. And really, what do Random House-type publishers really care about you and your corporation's idea of a book as a premium? Well, they don't! However, that is just the type of opportunity that smaller publishing companies are now pouncing on.

It sounds too complicated; where would I start?

Start by brainstorming about what information your clients need most. It may be tips they request over and over again or types of related information that they look to you for as the expert in the field. Or, better yet, it could be new information that you are hoping will establish you as the forerunner in the market.

Here's an example

A software company provided support material to all of its customers after they made a purchase. Research had shown that although customers could use the product (an option trading program) effectively, they would soon get frustrated trying to learn how to trade options and give up.

To alleviate this problem, the software company created a small manual outlining some key issues to be aware of when trading and included it with every software package. And, bam, there it was! Their first book was staring them right in the face.

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Jody Costa is an editor with Marketplace Books (www.marketplacebooks.com).