
How can you manage marketing so its business impact is apparent to the CEO? How can you put marketing at the center of the CFO's agenda? And how can you ensure that marketing is understood by all general management as a long- term investment, not a short-term expense?

Answers to these critical questions are offered in Managing Customers as Investments (Wharton School Publishing, 2005), a valuable new book by Columbia Business School marketing professors Sunil Gupta and Donald Lehmann. The book shows you how to integrate the marketing world where the customer is king, with the financial world where cash—discounted, of course—is king. If you want to learn how to increase the power and business impact of marketing in your organization, read it—no, study it!—now.

Many books tell you why you should put the customer at the center of the organization (see "2004: The Year of the Customer in Management Books"). This book shows you how, with frameworks, processes and metrics to manage marketing as the primary contributor of the firm's financial value.

The authors begin with the premise that customers are the primary source of cash flow, now and in the future, for all organizations. The management of customers has financial consequences not merely in the short term but also in the long term. Therefore, marketing must be managed as the investment in customers, just as other functions manage capital expenditures (e.g., buildings, factories, technology) as assets that produce a return on the investment in the long term.

To entice you to read the entire book, I will touch on the five key components prescribed by Gupta and Lehmann for managing marketing as investment in customers:

1. Customer Lifetime Value

2. Customer Value Portfolio

3. The Three Cs of Growth

4. Customer Value Management

5. Relationship of Customer Value to Firm Value

1. Customer Lifetime Value

The building block for managing customers as investments is customer lifetime value (CLV)—the present value of all current and future profits generated from the entire tenure of a relationship with a customer. You are probably familiar with this metric from previous MarketingProfs articles (for example, see "What Are Your Customers Really Worth"), so I won't spend time on the concept here.

While Gupta and Lehmann succeed in bridging the theory and practice of CLV, they warn us that implementation of the concept has its challenges.

First, you need to track each customer's profit and retention rate over time. Second, organizations have an inclination to make the analysis too complex; to be meaningful to top management, the measures must be clear and simple. Third, frequently you need to make subjective judgments about how to attribute revenues and costs to a customer group.

Costs of goods sold are easy to allocate to customers or customer groups, but costs of promotion or distribution are less clear. For example, how should a bank allocate costs of opening a new branch to online customers, knowing that most customers are initially acquired through branches?

Each of the other four components of managing customers use CLV as the core measure to assess the strategic value of customers and the results of decisions in the long run.

2. Customer Value Matrix for Marketing Strategy

"Customer value" is an all-too-common phrase in business, yet its full meaning is often misunderstood. There are two dimensions to customer value: the value that a firm provides to a customer and the value of a customer to the firm.

As Gupta and Lehmann teach, "the first part is the investment and the second part is the return on this investment." A firm invests in delivering value to a customer by creating and selling products and services; a customer provides value to a firm from purchases that produce a stream of profits (revenues minus costs) over time. Marketing must manage customer value on both dimensions.

All too often, however, marketing focuses only on the value the firm provides to a customer, without paying any attention to the value a customer provides to the firm. Accordingly, marketing asks:

  • What it will take to get customers to recognize the value of our products and services?

  • What benefits—economic, functional and emotional—will convince customers to buy our products and services?

  • What will make them satisfied enough to repurchase?

Thus, the focus of marketing is only on the investment (usually interpreted as an expense) in fulfilling customer needs and satisfying customers in order to generate revenue and build market share.

But this is only one side of customer value. Without taking into account the costs of meeting customer needs now and over time, marketing fails to recognize that increasing sales and market share must be evaluated as a return on an investment. In fact, increased sales and market share may actually result in losses—i.e., a reduction in customer value to the firm—if costs exceed revenues.

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image of Roy Young
Roy Young is coauthor of Marketing Champions: Practical Strategies for Improving Marketing's Power, Influence and Business Impact.