The leading subject of management books published in a given year is an indicator of the strategic focus of the top-performing organizations and their leaders.

For several years, the number-one topic was Total Quality Management. Then it was leadership. Then branding. While these topics remain significant, it's clear from the major new titles of 2004 that customer focus has taken center stage.

To be sure, 2004 was not the first year we saw important new books about customer focus. But, from the sheer quantity (15 major titles, by my count, in the past year), it's now apparent that the recognition of the customer as the key to profitability and growth has spread outside of the marketing silo—and into the ranks of executive management.

Just what this means for you and Marketing inside your organization depends on many factors. For starters, though, it's important to know about these books, because it's likely that your CEO and CFO will read one or two.

To give you an overview and some recommendations, in this article we briefly describe each of the 15 books. Next week, we'll publish a review of one of the best new books on the subject.

The customer focus literature in 2004 spanned six areas:

  1. Customer insight
  2. Customer relationships
  3. Customer loyalty
  4. Customer value
  5. Customer experience
  6. Customer evangelists

The books in each category are discussed briefly below.

Customer Insight

1. Consumer Insight: How to Use Data and Market Research to Get Closer to Your Customer.
Merlin Stone, Alison Bond, Bryan Foss (Kogan Page)

More than market research, consumer insight is about achieving a depth of understanding of consumers and a sensible use of this understanding to help the organization fulfill consumer needs. This guidebook focuses on what to do with data and marketing research to extract optimal intelligence. The authors align the analytic parameters of data and customer information and offer welcome relief to companies that are being asked to leverage critical information assets and investments. They present a framework that enables businesses to harness the torrents of data while supporting the delivery of enriched customer intelligence and insight across the organization.

2. Why People Buy Things They Don't Need: Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior.
Pamela Danziger (Dearborn Trade Publishing)

Focused on consumer products, Danziger explores the "whys" behind discretionary purchases. Synthesizing the findings of her 20 years of surveys, interviews and focus groups, she profiles customers in more than 30 categories and explores the motivations of their buyer behavior. Not surprisingly, as many academic consumer behavior researchers long before her, Danziger concludes that understanding the emotional satisfaction rather than the purely functional benefits of the purchase is of vital importance. She identifies 14 "justifiers" that make consumers feel good.

3. Mass Affluence: Seven New Rules of Marketing to Today's Consumer.
Paul Nunes, Brian Johnson (Harvard Business School Publishing)

The top 20% of US households now holds 60% of the nation's discretionary spending power. These 22 million US households have gained significant wealth, income and discretionary spending power over the past 30 years. Marketers, the authors argue, have tremendous opportunities to craft new products and services to serve the affluent mass market. The thesis of the book is based on an empirical study of shifting demographics. As a guidebook for new approaches to targeting this powerful consumer market, the "new rules" are organized into four sections: The New Rules of Positioning, The New Rules of Designing Offerings, The New Rules of Customer Reach, and a final section on What's Next.

Customer Relationships

4. CRM Unplugged: Releasing CRM's Strategic Value.
Doug Kurk, Philip Bligh (John Wiley & Sons)

Kurk and Bligh provide best practices for identifying why CRM often does not produce returns on the investment; creating strategies for successful implementation, and achieving a positive ROI in CRM. They first argue that most CRM investments do not produce a return because organizations do not consider how the parts of a business collaborate on customer activities. This is a "how-to" book to effectively implement customer relationship management by focusing on business processes rather than technology.

5. Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework.
Don Peppers, Martha Rogers (John Wiley & Sons)

Peppers and Rogers, leaders in the field and authors of five books about "one-to-one" CRM, compile a wealth of experience and knowledge (theirs and others') to provide a reference text and road map to help us make customer relationships the cornerstone of sound corporate strategy. The book includes contributions from experts—including Philip Kotler, Esther Dyson, Geoffrey Moore and Seth Godin—on such topics as guidelines for identifying customers and differentiating them by value and need; the importance of privacy and customer feedback; and advice for measuring the success of customer-based initiatives.

6. Think Like Your Customer: A Winning Strategy to Maximize Sales by Understanding and Influencing How and Why Your Customers Buy.
Bill Stinnet (McGraw-Hill)

Although written for sales executives by a sales training consultant, the book has insights that are valuable for marketers (especially B2B marketers) who strive to build enduring and profitable relationships with customers. Stinnet teaches us how to understand both why customers buy and how customer buy. And he teaches us how to act on that knowledge.

7. The Relationship Edge in Business: Connecting with Customers and Colleagues When It Counts.
Jerry Acuff (John Wiley & Sons)

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image of Roy Young
Roy Young is coauthor of Marketing Champions: Practical Strategies for Improving Marketing's Power, Influence and Business Impact.