A big question for Web site designers continues to be this: what is the optimal number and placement of marketing call-outs on a Web page?

The self-service and forward-leaning quality of the Web has led to page designs that all too often serve myriad marketing goals. A single page can have any number of callouts in its layout, trying to catch the attention of a variety of consumers in different states of need.

It is very easy for this messaging complexity to overwhelm consumers, to the point where they are unable to focus on any of the messages put before them. Furthermore, it is possible for a consumer's attention to be hijacked by a lesser-value callout, which can mean of a loss of marketing gains as prime call-to-actions are eclipsed by less-significant ones.

Interactive marketers have traditionally dealt with these layout problems using information architecture, reporting tools and usability research to tune the design of their pages. My earlier work on Web page callout optimization has led me to another approach. We can solve these problems using dynamic messaging optimization embedded into our application servers.

More specifically, a genetic algorithm could be deployed on a site to optimize the placement and numbers of callouts within a page layout to grow, on an ongoing basis, a page's marketing gains.

This algorithm could receive performance feedback from the actions taken by the visitors to the site, which could then be transformed into automated decisions about how most gainfully to display the page for future visitors.

These are the advantages of the genetic approach:

  • A genetic solution can continually seek optimal solutions to being gainful, which can adapt to changes in the marketing environment as they happen.

  • It can be easily deployed in an application server environment such as J2EE, PHP, or .Net. This is especially true given its lightweight programming footprint and applicability to the widely used model view controller (MVC) pattern.

  • Genetic algorithms tend to explore a wide variety of potential solutions, which can lead to solutions that would otherwise not be considered.

  • The insights garnered from the use of these algorithms can be immediately applied to a site, even without human intervention. This works to limit the problematic latency in manual tuning methods created by a delay between observing a solution and enacting it.

  • The genetic approach uses real-world feedback, which is not prone to the research biases inherent in laboratory usability studies.

Genetic Decision Making

Genetic algorithms are a family of optimization routines that work by imitating the paired biological processes of natural selection and sexual reproduction. They are best for solving problems of optimization with a large number of potential solutions, which are difficult to solve using standard methods due to the intractability of these problems.

Dr. John Holland pioneered the idea of genetic algorithms in the 1960s and 1970s to allow computers to take a more human-like and unconstrained approach to search and optimization problems. Although earlier researchers had explored the idea of using natural selection for problem solving, Holland's work was revolutionary in its mixing of natural selection and sexual reproduction together into a single optimization framework. It was joked at the time that he was the first researcher to teach computers to have sex.

The result of Holland's work was a highly efficient method for seeking optimal solutions to complex multidimensional problems. Genetic algorithms are ideal for exploring these kinds of problems, since they tend first to seek partial solutions to a problem, and then use these partial solutions to define discrete neighborhoods for locating fuller solutions. In this way, they avoid the intractability of brute-force methods when confronted with high dimensionality, while still being able to explore a wide set of potential solutions.

The process of genetic optimization is deceptively simple.

It begins by defining a problem space as a set of variables describing potential solutions to a problem and a currency for measuring fitness (i.e., success against that problem). Within this model space, the genetic algorithm will seek to find combinations of variables that create the strongest fitness measures. While there is rarely one right answer to these kinds of problems, there are always answers that are clearly better than others. Genetic algorithms will work to find these better solutions while discarding weaker-performing patterns.

After the problem space is defined, the modeler will choose an initial set of candidates to seed the optimization process. These seed candidates are randomly generated or selected using existing domain knowledge. Once chosen, the candidates will start a process of iterative optimization with the following five steps:

  1. Expose a set of candidates to a testing environment and collect feedback on their performance. The number of testing exposures for each candidate will vary depending on the behavior being modeled with sparser and less predictable behavior requiring larger sample sizes.

  2. Evaluate the fitness of each candidate using a uniform success measure.

  3. Create a new set of candidates with the fittest solutions having the best chance of passing on their solution to the next generation of candidates. The new candidates will be generated as a mixture of the variable settings for two or more successful parent solutions in an imitation of sexual reproduction.

  4. Add random mutations into the population using a predefined mutation rate (e.g., 1 in 100 new candidates will experience a mutation), which will allow new traits to enter the population from time to time. These mutations will take the form of random substitutions to one variable's setting within a newly created candidate.

  5. Repeat this process until a predetermined stopping point is reached.

This iterative process will tend to continually create stronger candidates until a point of equilibrium is reached, or the external forces shaping the model's performance significantly change. The use of mutation and sex-like reproduction make sure the model is constantly exploring new approaches and adapting changes as they occur.

Genetics and Page Layouts

Initially, the genetic optimization approach was applied to academic game theory problems such as the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma, but it has subsequently found a wider home in a variety of practical applications.

The issue of optimal page layout for marketing gain is a problem well suited for genetic methods, since this problem often involves a significantly large modeling space. The problem of finding an optimal page layout seems simple, but its apparent simplicity hides an involved puzzle.

If we play around with a standard page layout, it soon becomes clear how many potential variations we can readily create by allowing each area of the page to have even a few variants.

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image of Matthew Syrett

Matthew Syrett is a marketing consultant/analyst—a hybrid marketer, film producer, technologist, and statistician. He was vice-president of product development at the LinkShare Corporation and vice-president at Grey Interactive. Reach him via syrett (at) gmail (dot) com.