Dear Tig: Building a Marketing Team, and Where To Find Reliable Direct Response Stats?
by Tig Tillinghast

** Tig's weekly column fields questions from and for marketers. **

Dear Tig,

How should I think about designing a marketing organization from scratch?

Regards, Starting Fresh

Dear Fresh,

This is a great challenge--one that most people don't ask about before they jump to set up a marketing department. To start, we need to answer several important questions:

How will the marketing group interface with the rest of the company? Will product managers run strategy, or will marketing run product development? What types of marketing efforts will be or become relevant (e.g., email marketing, print, online, PR, television, etc.)?

Also: What's the realistic level of consistent spending? (Lurches in spending can be handled by out-of-house resources.) How much and how often will out-of-house resources be employed? Given the company's culture, how accountable do you want marketing staff to be against ongoing results?

After you put some answers to these questions, you'll have a decent idea of the level of person you will want to head up the group. This will determine in good measure the ratio of strategy to execution the department will be able to handle.

You wouldn't want a project manager running strategic development, nor would you want such a person attempting to compete for attention and budgets against senior members of other company departments. On the other hand, you wouldn't want to waste the money for a senior expert when the majority of the work will be executing collateral materials.

If the budget is more than $500,000, it's quite likely that the marketing group will have diverse enough needs that efficiency of execution demands the help of an agency. It's impossible to get two or three in-house people to be expert in all things at once, so ad agencies often can fill expertise and execution voids.

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Tig Tillinghast writes from the banks of the Elk River near Chesapeake City, Maryland. He consults with major brands and ad agency holding companies, helping marketing groups find the right resources for their needs. He is the author of The Tactical Guide to Online Marketing as well as several terrible fiction manuscripts.