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Slice, Dice, and Share: A How-to on Content Repurposing


There's a raging battle going on for the attention of anyone who has an email inbox.

Email is the weapon du jour for online marketers. Why invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in TV ads when you can reach millions of email inboxes for just a fraction of the price? Or so the current thinking goes.

The trouble is, the more emails people receive, the less attention they pay to each individual message.

To stand out from the crowd, online marketers are going to great lengths in order to attract the attention of their audience.

The argument goes something like this:

"If I shout louder and more frequently, the customer will hear me above the din."

Well, that's true. They may hear you. But how will they react to all that noise? Will they be happy? Or will they greet your loud and frequent appearances in their inbox with a collective cry of, "Shut up and leave me alone!"

Here are some of the ways in which email marketers are asking for too much attention from their prospects and customers.

(This is about promotional emails, not about online newsletters. That's a whole different discussion.)

Attention Hog #1: Promotional emails that are too long.

Some promotional emails take an awfully long time to get to the point. Keeping in mind that the recipient is probably getting more emails than he or she wants, don't make them scroll down a screen or two before you let them know what you're trying to say.

Part of getting this right is taking a very disciplined look at the purpose of your emails. How long does it really take to get the message across?

IQVC does a great job of staying focused with their 'QVC's Today's Special Value' emails. They pitch one product at a great price and do it on one screen. Their purpose is to move that product on that day - and that's all they attempt to do.

A lot of companies are a lot less focused and produce long, meandering emails that go on and on and on.

As a result, they ask their readers for a great deal of attention and give them very little in return.

Attention Hog #2: Emails that attempt to do too much.

The other great thing about the iQVC email is that they stay focused on one, single task.

A recent email I received from a Canadian electronics retailer opened with a chatty introduction, then showed me six items I could buy and then added a few more screens of 'computer lingo' definitions.

It was all pretty good stuff. But it was too much and too varied for that single email. Let me subscribe to the chatty stuff (better suited to a newsletter). Let me subscribe separately if I want just the product pitches. And let me subscribe separately again if I want those useful definitions. But the chances of my wanting all those three elements all at once, in the same, long email are pretty remote.

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image of Nick Usborne

Nick Usborne has been working as a copywriter and trainer for over 35 years. He is the author of Net Words, as well as several courses for online writers and freelancers. Nick is also an advocate for Conversational Copywriting.

LinkedIn: Nick Usborne

Twitter: @nickusborne