You recently got the skinny on Square, the service that turns your iPhone into a card-swiping device. Here's another quick, easy and secure way to flow payments to your business via mobile (or even social networks): mPayy.
Unlike Square, mPayy is more of a user tool than an enterprise one. It connects directly to clients' checking accounts, so businesses using mPayy can accept transactions from Facebook, MySpace or even via mobile through mPayy's IDEA program. (IDEA stands for Individually Deployed Ecommerce Application.)
And get this: mPayy enables users to make payments via Android handsets—which confirms suspicions that not all handy-dandy marketing/e-commerce apps have to be on iPhone first.
Note to nonprofits: Check out mPayy's LIFT program (Life-Integrated Fundraising Technology), which can help you raise money from far and near. (It comes with free online donation processing, too!)
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