In the past, recessions have proven disastrous to the momentum of eco-conscious movements. But not this time. "There is a growing body of evidence that [green policies pay big] dividends," says Chet Dalzell in an article at MarketingProfs. Apparently, "environmental concerns resonate with consumers—even amid a … recession." Dalzell suggests a few ways to bolster your green bona fides in your current email and online marketing programs:
Partner with a conservation group. Case in point: "With a recent e-commerce purchase," Dalzell reports, "I was prompted to direct where I wanted a seedling to be planted in return for my transaction, in one of four regional forest areas." Consider an email campaign touting a green dividend like this one.
Suggest an alternative to clicking on Print. Once they've responded to your email promo and made a purchase at your site, add one final green hint. Most online transactions include a prompt to print a receipt. Instead, ask customers if they would like to download a PDF file that may be printed if needed.
Avoid the pitfalls of "greenwashing." While you should absolutely tout your green policies in emails and at your site, don't overstate their impact. If they aren't as comprehensive as you make them sound, customers can be unforgiving.
The Po!nt: Get that green message out—everywhere. It's a new age of responsibility, and it has its rewards. Going green isn't just good for the planet; more than ever, it's also good for business.
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