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  • Replacing a ho-hum experience with something clever that brings a smile or otherwise engages is incredibly powerful. Make the most of every customer touchpoint by being creative in these six places.

  • So you've got your sales and marketing departments on the same page... mostly. But where does IT fit in? Can you put everyone in the same room without all hell breaking loose? To achieve interdepartmental harmony, follow these steps.

  • Marketers should be gazing into their crystal balls to see how their company will really fare in the cookieless future. Here are the tactics that will keep brands afloat.

  • "Positions, everyone!" You know where your company started at the beginning of the show. But where is it by intermission? If you don't know, it may be time to reposition.

  • In the modern digital world, customer experience is not just about how you deliver the features of your products but also about how your customers interact with those products online. For excellent product experiences, follow these three tips.

  • Ever try to explain how hot it is outside in Celsius when your audience is familiar only with Fahrenheit? That's what marketing measurement can feel like. Check out the methods in this article to get to the bottom of marketing's business value.

  • What can B2B marketers learn from a retail brand? A lot more than just B2C tactics, if the brand sets up its own data solution. And that's happening more and more.

  • Dating horror stories... we all have them. But happens when dating goes well? It looks a lot like a long-term relationship between a company and its repeat customers.

  • You know when you were a kid visiting a museum and hated reading long blocks of text but loved the slimy "touch and feel" displays? That's pretty much how interactive advertising works—and for generating leads, it definitely works.

  • After 2+ years of major pivots and accelerated digital transformation, brands are now having to take a close look at how they handle customer data. To make absolutely necessary improvements, organizations must meet three challenges and implement a series of best-practices.

  • Consumer ads have ruled CTV, but with the ever-decreasing gap between home and work life, that doesn't have to be the case. Here's how B2B advertisers can use digital attribution to take advantage of CTV.

  • You know you've got the best service around. But does anyone else know it? Check out these three tips to increase brand awareness with more media coverage.

  • "Oh, that company? I hear it's shady..." Don't let that happen to you! Consistent vigilance over your media mentions can help manage your brand's reputation.

  • Your customers' experience should be seamless and smooth as a swan on water, which means making a shift in the inner workings of your company. Here are three tips to get there.

  • What we marketers call a business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) model—having not only businesses but also their consumers as marketing audiences—can be daunting if you don't have a recipe for success. These are three must-have ingredients.

  • Sometimes all the persuasive arguments in the world are useless compared with real-life case studies. Here are four that should convince you how useful attribution analytics can be.

  • "Earth Day every day!" they always said in elementary school. We were enthusiasts then, but it's easy to get bogged down in the adult world of making a living. Here are six steps you can take today to bring sustainability to your marketing.

  • Digital marketing consists of so many tactics that it can be hard to tell what's working—which may be why many companies suspect that it isn't. But these four tried-and-true tactics should always be part of the mix.

  • You ever wake up one day and realize that your martech stack is completely out of control? Here's what may solve your problem.

  • Eye of newt... scale of dragon... whoops, wrong recipe. You want to know what goes into a power page—the top-ranking internet content that makes Google sing your praises. Check out this article to learn the most important ingredients.