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  • Clicking "accept cookies" is an annoying but necessary step in the modern Web browsing experience. This article covers how to construct a site banner that is both compliant and (relatively) pain-free.

  • Your case studies are probably boring, but don't panic. It's not the cases that are the problem; it's the way you're presenting them. Fix it with this four-step cure.

  • As an agency, you have more than just the smarts to help your clients with their bottom line; You have the means to prove marketing's value to the business—and showcase your own awesomeness.

  • NFTs have had a strong debut as one-of-a-kind collectibles, but forward-thinking brands will organize around how they can take advantage of this new class of technology to mobilize customers and engage communities.

  • Give personality to a software feature. Provide an epic tale with a product update. Even business buyers are swayed by stories, which bring emotion—and humanity—to your brand.

  • So you've just crafted a beautiful blog post bursting with metaphors and emotion and elaborate language. Done! The sales should roll in. But that's not quite how persuasion works. Check out this article to find out what does.

  • A well-functioning martech stack should be like a five-layer burrito—a worthy set of ingredients by itself that makes for an even better combination. Here's what modern marketers have been putting into their "burritos."

  • Mundane tasks taking up your time? Overwhelmed by data? Good news: there's an AI-based tool for that.

  • It's easy to assume everyone has equal access to Internet content. But a lot of design and development practices make that access difficult or impossible for people with disabilities. Here's how you can make your content more accessible—and more useful for everyone.

  • It's hard to remember a time you could open an email and not be assaulted by buttons and graphics and neon colors. Is there any place for boring typeface in the marketing world anymore? Perhaps. Here are some situations when plain text is effective.

  • Sometimes the best way to own customer success is to create Customer Success—its own department, that is. But how? Here's a 10-step guide.

  • "Coming to you live" doesn't mean as much as it used to. Event attendees have adapted to on-demand, tech-savvy experiences, and marketers have to embrace that.

  • If you can barely remember the "once upon a time" when your marketing job was satisfying and fun, you're not alone. Marketing leaders deal with pressure from every direction. Here's why—and three steps you can take to regain control.

  • Support from marketing teams can bring a lot of value to the sales process. Really. No, wait! Come back here! This article explores five ways that can be true.

  • You have a big channel partner who has doubled your sales. Yeah! But then the partner starts making decisions willy-nilly without checking with you. D'oh! Here's how to prevent similar conflicts.

  • Composing a single email is hard enough. How can you possibly plan for email at scale? It helps to keep these tips in mind.

  • Do the potentials of blockchain technology go beyond the novelty of "owning" a digital piece of art? Perhaps. Future marketers could harness NFTs for functions typically associated with customer relationship management.

  • Is your ABM strategy following deals through close, or is it focused only on the top of the funnel? If the latter, your strategy is actually limited to tech and demand gen instead of true ABM.

  • TikTok may be the world's favorite time-waster at the moment, but lessons about speech and presentation can be learned from the annals of its scroll-happy user base.

  • "Click here for more." Is anyone actually going to click on a call to action like that? Probably not. Check out what makes for a good cold email CTA in this article.