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  • Your company's reputation doesn't rest on products and services alone. People like to support brands they can relate to, and a video telling your company story is the perfect way to draw them in.

  • When you consider that between 3 and 4 billion emails are sent and received every single day, making yours stand out in a crowded inbox is always going to be a challenge. Is the effort even worth it? It is—if you can make your emails stand out.

  • Why do a mundane task when software can do it for you? The use of AI in marketing has gone mainstream in recent years. Where will it go from here?

  • Keeping people's eyes on your website is a vital top-funnel tactic. Check out these 10 tips for more engaging blog posts.

  • Enthused employees can have a huge effect on your company's reputation and bottom line, and excitement is easily built on LinkedIn. Here's how to use the social platform for employee advocacy.

  • B2B buyers' behavior has shifted, particularly in e-commerce. Let's explore four fundamental ways to step up your B2B e-commerce game.

  • Your website often makes your brand's very first impression. To make sure it's a good one, conduct a thorough brand audit. Here's how.

  • The metaverse isn't going to remain science fiction for long. How will it change the way B2B marketers operate? This article offers a few ideas.

  • This article explores sales intent behavior, helping you understand precisely where and when your sales team should get involved with leads—and when you should be nurturing them instead.

  • Programmatic: it's not only an ad strategy aimed at acquiring customers but also a tool for recruiting employees. The technology allows employers to target and discover better job candidates.

  • Marketers are storytellers, and storytellers create character sheets to ensure they know their fictional cast members inside and out. The marketing equivalent? Buyer personas. Here's why they work and how to create them.

  • If you don't continually invest in business development to keep potential clients in the marketing funnel, your brand might as well not exist. Don't let that happen. Ensure you aren't making these six mistakes.

  • The version of progressive profiling that most marketing automation companies espouse merely collects more data on prospective customers. But more data isn't enough. What you need instead is an understanding of those potential customers based on their behavior so you can significantly increase your chances of closing a sale.

  • Data this, metrics that... it can be hard to harness basic creativity in the current marketing environment. This article argues for a return to design and a focus on interactive content to break up the monotony.

  • When you're about to spend money on something, chances are you look up reviews of it first. But reviews and ratings aren't useful to buyers alone. Marketers can learn and benefit greatly from taking reviews into account.

  • Marketers can't be blamed for being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices that digital advertising offers. But do you have to embrace every option and every channel? There's a better way.

  • Too... much... technology... It's time to rethink how your martech stack works and which parts of it are really necessary. Your revenue depends on it.

  • Everyone's quitting their jobs! Or so it seems. In-house marketing teams are rare enough, so how do we keep marketers from leaving and making them even more rare? This article presents some ideas.

  • Topic clusters arranged around a pillar page are SEO-friendly as well as helpful for keeping your website visitors from hopping off to learn more somewhere else. Here's how to create a topic-cluster content plan.

  • The mobile app market may seem like an unruly landscape at times. But as is the case with every market, tapping into it requires research and competitive analysis.