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  • As a marketer, you might feel helpless when the economy takes a tumble and suddenly people aren't spending money. But there are still things you can do to take advantage of a quiet market.

  • How are marketers adapting their email strategies in a rapidly evolving digital world? Check out six trends that emerged from Knak's email marketing benchmark report.

  • Do you have a dedicated competitive intelligence team, or does your company just poke around on its competitors' social media now and then? The results of a new study might convince you to ramp up your tactics.

  • It's only for email! It's only for enterprise businesses! It will replace us all! Wrong. This article sets out to debunk eight marketing automation myths.

  • We've all been there: You send out a million party invitations, and nobody shows up. Ouch. To ensure that doesn't happen with your company webinars, use these invitation tips.

  • It's that time of year again... to sort out your budget for the upcoming year. But how do you fit brand strategy into an already crowded budget slate? This article will get you there in three steps.

  • Has the meteoric rise of video and audio content made written text obsolete? Hardly. Bad business writing can cost a company everything, from productivity to potential customers.

  • Even if your B2B company doesn't make direct use of TikTok, it can still learn something about event marketing from the popular social platform. Here are four takeaways.

  • Advertising is a B2B e-commerce marketer's best friend—but it can stab you in the back if you don't measure the return correctly. Here are six mistakes to watch out for.

  • Once their novelty wears off, do metaverse, blockchain, and Web 3.0 technologies have practical uses in the B2B space? This article explores a few possibilities.

  • This article explores what entry points are and how to successfully use them to get people signed up and into your database.

  • The email newsletter will never die! But it will continue to undergo changes every now and then. Here are nine of today's best-practices that will get your newsletter read.

  • When basic SEO feels like crawling up the flat surface of a rock, Google Ads can give your marketing a lift. Here are the basic types and some best-practices.

  • This articles explains what lead magnets are, how businesses use them incorrectly, and how to integrate segmentation and lead magnets to better drive demand generation.

  • Podcasts are everywhere. Chances are your audience members subscribe to several. And their content—especially that of a branded podcast—is conducive to spreading brand awareness.

  • You don't have to be in IT anymore to take advantage of big data and AI. Check out these four ways to use AI for finding prospects you may not have known were there.

  • Convincing ourselves that our customer engagement tactics are working may feel great, but it isn't always helpful. That's why you should avoid relying too much on these three metrics.

  • Email marketing, though old school, is always evolving, as are its enhancements. HTML has become par for the course, but many are still reluctant to include video in their emails. This article breaks down the possibilities and best-practices.

  • Are you unwittingly sabotaging your cold-call sales by being too chatty, or failing to prepare, or reading straight from a one-size-fits-all script? Read this article to find out, and learn what to do instead.

  • Your company's reputation doesn't rest on products and services alone. People like to support brands they can relate to, and a video telling your company story is the perfect way to draw them in.