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  • It's impossible to have a strong brand identity without a brand. Likewise, you can't have a successful brand without a brand identity. This article breaks down the differences.

  • Email spam filters are smart enough to know what your regular delivery schedule looks like. If your holiday campaigns look different, you'll have to tackle your sender reputation ahead of time. Here's how.

  • One concrete way to maximize marketing ROI is to reduce the amount of waste of potential leads across the entire user journey. To help you start the process, here are six applications you may not have previously considered.

  • Text messaging apps now come with a spam folder. Uh oh. What can you still do to stand out from the competition in customers' text inboxes? These four rules can help.

  • Personalized targeting has worked for banner advertisers for years. However, it was never feasible for OTT—until now. Here's why your OTT ad strategy needs work.

  • Unless your company consists of about five people, its social media accounts are likely not run by a single person. How to achieve coherence, then, if multiple people are posting? Try creating a style guide.

  • Smaller hybrid and virtual events can often reach more people than large conferences because smaller shows can better take accessibility and other attendee needs into account. Learn how to plan such events.

  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • In B2B relationships, all voices are important, but not equal or the same—and treating them as such can cost your company retention and loyalty.

  • "What is the definition of marketing strategy?" is a common question among marketing professionals and others in the business world. This article covers some basic ideas that separate marketing strategy from other aspects of marketing.

  • Many brand-naming rules are totally valid, but adhering to them doesn't guarantee success. Every brand is different, and if you need to break one of these five rules, it's okay.

  • Transitioning to GA4 may seem like a daunting task. But the earlier you start, the easier it will be. Follow this action plan.

  • Marketers are not alone in the struggle to juggle their tasks. Salespeople can become just as frustrated. This article breaks down what it looks like when your sales department is in desperate need of an intelligence tool.

  • You can have the longest list of content items in the world, but it's not a content strategy until they're mapped to your customers' needs. To get there, take these four actions.

  • To support Sales, marketers need to cultivate leads and nurture them through the buying process—empowering leads and the sales team alike to have conversations with each other. See what needs to be done.

  • Marketing has the power to not only drive demand gen but also ensure the sales team has relevant, contextualized conversations with qualified leads. Learn what contextualized conversations are, why they work so well to convert leads, and how marketing automation can help you help Sales.

  • Optimizing anchor text is as delicate as it is essential. Iffy tactics risk penalties, but playing it too safe means low rankings. Google will judge you. Follow the four steps in this article to get your anchor texts just right.

  • Somebody has to wrangle all those marketers to make sure they're getting their job done. Luckily, marketing ops is gaining popularity. Check out trends in the marketing ops profession.

  • Your company may have its messaging content and tone perfected, but that counts for nothing if you're messaging customers at 3 in the morning on weekends. Go through the steps in this article to achieve total personalization of the customer experience.

  • Although it's impossible to give an absolute value to abstract concepts such as loyalty, there are metrics that can indicate customers' willingness to return to your company. Here's what to track.