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  • When the economy tanks, companies often cancel outsourced creative and try to do everything in-house. Get tips on how to market your agency and make the best of an economic downturn.

  • Most long-form content is meant to help readers and prospects solve a problem, and it's best not to oversell your brand when creating it. But when should you start slipping in mentions of your solution? When is it time to get promotional?

  • AI will only replace you if your pitches and marketing copy are as wooden as those crafted by... well, a robot. It's time to embrace your humanity.

  • Even among the proliferation of AI and tech tools, focusing on business goals and the marketing side of SEO strategy is the way to win. Here's why that's the case.

  • Keeping your customers engaged can be a challenge in a world overflowing with products and content and experiences created around those products—and all of that vying for your customers' attention. Here are three tactics that can help increase engagement.

  • To keep up with evolving buyers, sellers need to better understand the new customer journey. Here's what that means today.

  • Subscription services such as SaaS companies depend on organic rankings for prospects to find them. This article breaks down good SaaS SEO into three major elements.

  • To differentiate themselves from marketing automation tools, agencies (and marketers, more generally) need to focus on how they can provide unique, long-term value. Here are three ways to do that.

  • Marketers and advertisers often invest exclusively in Google and Facebook advertising to find, engage, nurture, convert, and retain their customers. Should they branch out? This article weighs the pros and cons.

  • You've had your event planned for months—but suddenly one of the speakers can't make it! Crisis! To prevent panic every time that happens, it's best to incorporate contingency planning into your event planning.

  • Don't make basic content marketing blunders. Check out this list of gaffes that happen more often than they should.

  • Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

  • Journey-mapping not only helps build empathy with your audience but also optimizes the experience to increase the likelihood of getting them to convert, purchase, join, or engage with your brand. Here's how to get started.

  • The buzz about content creation is that AI is going to start doing it for us. That's not really the case—although it will certainly change the game, together with several other forms of tech that are influencing content growth.

  • It's always a good time to fine-tune your email marketing. Tactics that may have seemed brand new in previous years have become table stakes in 2023.

  • If you want your customers to stay, buy more, and advocate for your company, then setting accurate expectations and consistently meeting them wins—even if parts of those expectations aren't great.

  • Marketing strategy is often thought about in terms of where the market is going and how best to satisfy the changing needs of the market. Rarely is time spent analyzing one's own company. But doing so is the only way to ensure consistent success.

  • B2B brands should be playing the long game with their email marketing because their businesses are a long game. So... what's the real goal of a B2B email marketer? Opens? Clicks? Conversions? Nope.

  • It's difficult to align Sales and Marketing when your company isn't big enough to have departments dedicated to those functions. That's why SMBs need a full-funnel approach to marketing. Here are three steps to get you there.

  • There's not much value in a whitepaper if otherwise valuable information is hidden by bad design. Here are five things to avoid.