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  • In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping up with media trends is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. This article covers seven trends that are particularly relevant for CMOs.

  • Generating leads for Sales to qualify, follow up with, and eventually sell to is what drives the revenue—and success—of a business. This article covers how webinars and webinar marketing can lead to increased B2B lead generation.

  • Your data-driven marketing is only as good as your data. Clean rooms can be a useful resource, but only if the data shared in them follows certain standards.

  • Many companies perceive referrals to be out of their control—as something that just happens whenever they get lucky. But that's not how it should work. You can—and should—be generating referrals systematically.

  • Digital transformation can't be done all at once or off the cuff. Adopting automation and new martech must be a deliberate process that ensures business success while prioritizing the right tech.

  • Unlike other social content, comments can't be planned and scheduled for the balance of the year or quarter. Comments require ongoing communication, and that makes them powerful marketing tools.

  • Losing third-party data as a source of customer information will be a challenge. But it could be an excellent opportunity to recharge your customer relationships.

  • Even in the face of the proliferation of podcasts, video, and interactive content, Brian Dean is still a fan of the good old blog post for generating leads that turn into sales. Why? Check out this video to find out.

  • Fixing leaks in your lead generation pool requires examining your entire process to identify the problem. Is it department alignment? Automation? Inbound marketing? This article takes you through the possibilities.

  • To hear content expert Andy Crestodina espouse the advantages of content collaboration is to hear the question go from "Why should I do this?" to "Why am I not doing this?" Discover the many advantages of content collaboration.

  • Data analytics love for their data points to be fixed and objective, but in the modern marketing world, that's not always the case. It's vital that your marketing mix model also incorporate what this article refers to as "squishy" data.

  • After an eternity of development, testing, troubleshooting, and more testing, you've finally reached your product's launch date! But wait... did you forget something? Use this product launch checklist to ensure you haven't missed anything.

  • In this episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show, Trust Insights CEO Katie Robbert digs into how GA4 differs from the previous version of Google Analytics and stresses that marketers must take immediate action.

  • In theory, it's easy to be customer-focused: gather and process customer information, segment, focus on target segments, understand customer perceptions, act on customer information, and know when and how to build customer relationships. So, why is being customer-focused so hard?

  • Companies today must embrace digitizing nearly every aspect of their business to ensure compelling, engaging, and valuable digital buyer journeys. That is, no doubt, a monumental task. But there is a path forward.

  • What does it mean to run a content-first marketing department? This episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show features valuable insights and tips from content marketing expert Joe Pulizzi. Read more and watch the video.

  • If you're concerned about your company's customer experience, don't just throw a CXO into the fray and expect that person to fix it. Leaders need buy-in from all departments to improve customer experience.

  • Everyone in marketing talks about providing value. It's become a bingo buzzword. Whatever happened to real value—honest-to-goodness help for someone with a specific problem?

  • Back in the day, times seemed simpler. Advertising, ad expert Rebecca Bugger and host George B. Thomas conclude, is continually changing, and you should always be testing your methods to see what works and what doesn't. Watch and listen to discover how advertising works today.

  • Crises are inconvenient but inevitable. These four high-profile calamities from 2022 are great examples of what and what not to do during a crisis.