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  • In a recent episode, the insightful conversation with LinkedIn ads expert AJ Wilcox ventured deep into the realm of LinkedIn advertising, unraveling myths, discussing hurdles, and sharing actionable tactics that every B2B marketer needs to know.

  • It sounds simple, but writing a good question and collecting reliable answers is harder than it seems—whether you're writing full-fledged survey instruments or quick questions for polls or forms. So here are six sets of expert tips and best-practices.

  • To discover whether your content marketing is successful and to what extent your content goals have been met, you need to identify your content marketing's key performance indicators. Monitor these nine KPIs.

  • In an age when every digital interaction by potential buyers leaves a trace, salestech can help sellers and marketers harness a wealth of data. As a result, customization, at scale, is both possible and necessary.

  • In the race to build bigger and better solutions, martech vendors have ended up with so much "extra stuff" in their products that doing even basic work has become difficult. The result for marketers: frustration and wasted time. What can be done?

  • When businesses use chatbots, they improve engagement, lead generation, and customer experience. But what, exactly, can chatbots do for marketers? Here are the top 5 benefits.

  • CDP and CEP objectives overlap, but their primary functions differ. This article highlights the roles of CEPs and CDPs, real-world use cases, and ways they enable customer-centric strategies.

  • B2B marketing expert and author Nancy Harhut delves into the fascinating world of behavioral science and its usefulness in marketing for decoding and influencing B2B buyer behavior.

  • The explosive growth in martech solutions, once fueled by an era of easy capital, now faces a stark reality-check. What's next? And how can marketers decide what should go in their tech stack?

  • Much like the three unwavering rules of success in real estate—location, location, location—the world of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has its own triad of rules for success: quality, quality, quality. Just follow these three guiding principles.

  • In our data-rich, content-saturated digital landscape, success lies not in just creating more content but in listening to what your audience is telling you. Because content makes the connections, but data finds the match.

  • Learn how generative AI is about to revolutionize search with conversational queries and creative search responses, challenging traditional SEO strategies. Start preparing for the future.

  • Today, most people expect brands to foster open channels that enable businesses to actively listen to feedback, address concerns promptly, and personalize user experience. A channel that has proven adept at doing all that and more is a brand online community.

  • Sales and marketing agency founder Owen Richards shares his unconventional views on sales enablement and the crucial role of Marketing in it, along with a fresh perspective on the interplay between Sales and Marketing.

  • Generative AI is undeniably having an impact on every facet of business (and our lives), and that certainly includes marketing. For marketers, adapting to and embracing genAI is not just an option, it's a necessity.

  • In the new year, one thing is clear: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the marketing conversation. As we move further into 2024, the marketing landscape will be shaped by four trends.

  • Another year in martech has passed at a blistering pace—with the discussion on new trends, technologies, and issues consuming our days. The author builds on his (mostly borne out) 2023 predictions about three martech trends.

  • Helping potential buyers through their buying journey is a multipronged effort involving a blend of tactics and the right content for each step. This article explores four content types and their impact during that journey.

  • Although acceptance of rebranding is growing among business leaders, many remain plagued by misconceptions that leave them hesitant to embrace what is a powerful strategy. Here are nine rebranding realities that will dispel those misconceptions.

  • Brand monitoring is about understanding public sentiment toward your brand across various platforms, including social media, forums, and reviews. With the advent of AI, however, that task is set to become more complex—yet more insight-laden.