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  • Did you know that 70% of search queries contain four words or more? Or that 48% of people are now using voice assistants for general Web searches? Those are just two of the search engine-related stats covered in a recent infographic.

  • The average job tenure for chief marketing officers at large brands dropped in 2020 to the shortest it has been in more than a decade, according to recent research from Spencer Stuart.

  • Marketers say they struggle the most with tracking the impact of their television and print campaigns, according to recent research from Ruler Analytics.

  • Marketers hear all the time that they should embrace personalization. But what does that mean? How exactly can you deliver more relevant and targeted messaging?

  • Looking for sage writing advice from authors like Toni Morrison, Stephen King, and Haruki Murakami? An infographic (below) from Ivory Research provides nuggets of wisdom from these famous writers and a dozen more.

  • Median and average conversion rates for landing pages vary significantly by industry and by type of page, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • Most marketers plan to increase their ad spend in 2021 on digital channels, such as social media, search, and video, and either maintain or reduce their spend on traditional channels, such as television, according to Nielsen research.

  • Traditional video on Instagram tends to outperform IGTV (Instagram's long-form, immersive format), according to a recent analysis conducted by Social Insider.

  • Did you know that there are more than 416 million monthly Pinterest users? Or that visitors spend five minutes, on average, on Pinterest? Those are some of the insights about the social network covered in this infographic.

  • Most business videos are less than two-minutes long, according to recent research that benchmarks video types, engagement, and distribution.

  • What are the salary ranges for some of the most common content marketing jobs? To find out, Managing Editor conducted a survey of 387 content marketers.

  • Company culture is not well developed at many organizations despite being viewed as essential to success. So, how can you level-up company culture?

  • Some 39% of people say they will stop engaging with a website if the images do not load or take too long to load. So, how can you optimize your images for speedy loading?

  • Members of Gen Z are more than twice as likely as Baby Boomers to say they typically learn about brands or companies from social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social and The Harris Poll.

  • Half of marketers say the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their email strategy, according to recent research from Mailjet.

  • Google's responsive search ads (RSAs) enable advertisers to create multiple copy options and then let machine-learning and AI determine the best-performing combinations. How can marketers make the most of this powerful format?

  • Do you have a toxic boss? And if you do, what sort of leader are you dealing with? This flowchart infographic helps you answer those questions and provides advice.

  • Average engagement on Instagram posts from businesses spiked in the spring and summer of 2020 and then returned roughly to its prior levels, according to recent research from Social Insider and Sked Social.

  • B2B website visitors and B2B marketers don't always see eye to eye on which characteristics, features, and content formats are most important on marketing sites, according to recent research from Orbit Media Studios and Ascend2.

  • What does an effective video ad look like on LinkedIn? The professional social network teamed up with Digivizer to analyze more than 3,500 ads and came up with some answers.