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  • B2B buyers say the top things they look for in vendor websites when evaluating potential solutions are relevant content and pricing/competitive information, according to recent research from Demand Gen Report and Demandbase.

  • Women are well represented in marketing in North America across all career levels, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • Getting your marketing and sales teams on the same page—aligning them around a common revenue goal—can have a huge payoff.

  • B2B marketers say creating effective content and collecting quality data are the two biggest challenges they face when trying to execute their lead generation strategies, according to recent research from Wpromote and Ascend2.

  • Some 46% of senior executives rated the performance of their marketing team as very good or exceptional in 2020, and 45% rated it as moderate, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • What's so great about marketing automation? An infographic from SalesIntel covers some of the many benefits, including saved time, increased efficiency, and better ROI.

  • How exactly do you create an effective piece of content? A recent infographic from Orbit Media Studios outlines an effective strategy for developing high-performing articles.

  • Marketers and consumers differ in what they believe makes a brand best-in-class on social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Sales deals that are won tend to have shorter time frames than lost deals, more email communication, more meetings, and more stakeholder involvement, according to recent research from

  • Email marketing funnels can help you lead people from interest to action. So, how can you build an effective one?

  • Digital presence is the totality of how you're represented on the Web, from site landing pages and blog posts to social content and online reviews. So, how can you boost your digital presence?

  • How can you boost productivity and set yourself up for success while working from home? Separating your work life and home life, firing up your energy levels, and maximizing your efficiency are key approaches.

  • Some 45% of salespeople say they've received less coaching than usual or no coaching since moving to remote work, according to recent research from ringDNA.

  • Emails sent during the middle of the workweek tend to drive the most webinar registrations, according to recent research from ON24.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic drove a 177% spike in remote job listings for marketing roles over a six-month period, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • Fully 62% of hiring managers say they always check job applicants' social media accounts, and 29% say they sometimes do.

  • Most sales professionals say salespeople are underappreciated in the business world, though more have been feeling appreciated since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from Pipedrive.

  • People of all ages have the most favorable impressions of television and email advertising, according to research from GWI.

  • Did you know that 77% of B2B buyers don't talk to a salesperson until they have done their own research? That's one of the data points covered in this infographic from Growth Strategies 101.

  • Effectively generating leads often requires following a lengthy path that includes everything from developing a strategic plan to measuring performance. This infographic from Orbit Media Studios covers each essential element of that journey.