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  • This infographic from the LinkedIn's Marketing Solutions team provides three key reasons why the social network is great for B2B marketers: audience, engagement, and trust.

  • Using hashtags can be an effective way to boost the reach of your LinkedIn posts. This infographic explores five hashtags popular with marketers on LinkedIn, including the follower count for each.

  • Most marketers say hybrid B2B events, which incorporate both online and in-person elements, will become more common in the coming years, according to recent research from ON24.

  • CMOs at large companies say better integration of martech solutions is the top area they'd like to see their marketing operations team focus on this year, according to recent research from Brandmaker and Dimensional Research.

  • This infographic from Cure Media provides an overview of how to create an influencer brand post, covering the key steps from start to finish.

  • Privacy, surveillance, and compensation are top-of-mind for employees when researching human resources topics online, according to Elements Global Services.

  • Most marketers say the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on everything, from their organizational priorities and which channels they use to the metrics they rely on to measure success, according to recent research from Salesforce.

  • B2B marketers say the most impactful uses for intent data are advertising, customer account expansion, and account identification, according to recent research from Intentsify and Ascend2.

  • This infographic covers key video stats, trends, and specs (dimensions, aspect ratios, lengths, etc.) for six popular social networks: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • LinkedIn recorded a 63% jump in the number of marketing jobs posted on the platform in the first half of 2021, according to research from the social network.

  • It would take more than an hour for a person to read the legal fine print for popular online platforms such as Google, Facebook, and PayPal, according to recent research from Reboot Online Marketing.

  • Digital advertising spend by B2B firms is expected to jump by nearly a quarter in 2021, according to recent research from eMarketer.

  • This infographic from Salesforce looks at what key email metrics mean and explores how you can use them to optimize your campaigns.

  • Google's algorithm and other search algorithms are highly focused on search intent, making understanding it key for effective SEO. So, what exactly is search intent and how can you determine it?

  • B2B technology marketers say they want martech solutions to provide simple integration, the option to try before buying, and clear value, according to recent research from Sonus Research and the Tech Marketing Council.

  • Only 17% of marketers say their firm measures customer lifetime value (LTV) very well or extremely well, according to recent research from the CMO Council and Deloitte Digital.

  • Did you know that 87% of organizations use email to distribute content? That's just one of data points related to email marketing covered in a recent infographic from EmailToolTester.

  • How can you become an excellent mentor at work? This from Intuit Mint covers the basics of ensuring mentorship is effective for your mentees and yourself.

  • Marketing budgets at large businesses have dropped significantly relative to revenue in 2021, according to recent research from Gartner.

  • B2B buyers say the top things they look for in vendor websites when evaluating potential solutions are relevant content and pricing/competitive information, according to recent research from Demand Gen Report and Demandbase.