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  • This infographic looks at how marketers are increasingly embracing lo-fi, authentic content and experiences over highly polished messaging.

  • Check out the detailed results of the 14th annual B2B content marketing study conducted by MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute. Dive into the data.

  • Americans are becoming familiar with virtual influencers and considering purchasing products endorsed by those influencers, according to a recent survey.

  • What types of content do journalists find most valuable from PR professionals? How do they want to receive pitches and how often? To find out, researchers surveyed 3,016 journalists in 19 countries.

  • B2B influencers say co-created content and speaking at in-person events were the most successful types of brand collaborations they did in 2023, according to recent research from Onalytica.

  • Chief marketing officers at B2B firms are increasingly adopting new titles and focusing on digital skills, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • How can you ensure that your new sales hires are set up to succeed? To find out, researchers looked at organizations that rate their sales onboarding programs as extremely or very effective.

  • Social media marketing is the most in-demand skill for marketers on LinkedIn, according to recent research from the professional social network.

  • The average tenure of chief marketing officers at large corporations has stabilized and is now in line with other C-suite executives, according to recent research from Spencer Stuart.

  • Nvidia, 3M, and Fidelity Investments are the high-profile companies with the best reputations among consumers in the United States, according to the 2024 Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings.

  • Which feelings and emotions do different colors in logos elicit? To find out, researchers surveyed 285 professional graphic designers.

  • What prevents companies from fostering a better corporate culture? To find out, researchers conducted a survey in March 2024 among 440 professionals in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

  • B2B marketers in the US expect to increasingly focus their budgets on tech, data, and events in the coming years, according to recent research.

  • Which emojis confuse people most? To find out, researchers surveyed 2,201 people in the United States.

  • Why do so many brands post content on social media that taps into nostalgia? This infographic explores this trend and looks at how you can go old school with the pieces you post.

  • Senior customer engagement specialists say the biggest benefit for marketers of collecting customer behavior signal data is improved performance marketing, according to recent research.

  • Which background colors, fonts, and design features are being used most on small business websites this year? To find out, researchers analyzed the design of 930 small business websites.

  • How big is the pay gap between male and female marketing and sales freelancers? To find out, researchers analyzed the hourly rate charged by 9,078 US-based freelancers.

  • People in South Africa, Brazil, and the Philippines spend the most time per day, on average, looking at social media platforms on their phones, computers, and other screens, according to recent research.

  • Most employees who prefer hybrid work say their ideal situation would be to spend two or three days a week in the office, according to recent research.