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  • Wouldn't you love to have a better customer (and competitor) insights strategy that you could turn into creative, targeted, and effective campaigns? With the right research and processes, you can. Sponsored by Melissa Direct.

  • Agile projects are more likely to be successful than those managed with traditional approaches… so why doesn't everybody use it? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Workfront.

  • With advertising becoming more expensive and the signal-to-noise ratio at an all-time high, brands are turning to influencer marketing to tap into existing audiences and achieve their marketing goals. But it's already becoming stale with one-off posts and sponsored content.

  • Think B2B marketing has to be boring? Business buyers are people who are motivated by engaging campaigns that address their needs in creative ways, too. There IS a middle ground for you to design interesting yet pragmatic campaigns and execute them with marketing automation. Sponsored by GetResponse.

  • Most marketers know that measurable ABM success isn't as simple as doing the same programs you already run, pointed towards a new set of accounts. Instead, there are added needs of personalization and tight alignment with outbound calling teams. Sponsored by Engagio.

  • Are you struggling to create and maintain an all-star marketing team? Your people really are your most valuable asset, and provide the foundation on which all your marketing efforts are built. So how do you get it right?

  • Many B2B organizations simply create more content and increase the number of campaigns in hopes that something will work, only to find that simply doing more does not successfully deliver a good buying experience. So what can you do, then, to improve demand gen results?

  • ABM campaigns can boost your marketing efforts—but if you've never put one together, it's hard to know where to start. We'll show you how to deploy ABM campaigns successfully while maintaining your sanity.

  • The future of B2B marketing is about creating content that attracts an audience and delivers measurable value by harnessing your team's—no, your entire organization's—expertise. We'll show you how to use that talent to activate a content marketing strategy that produces better business outcomes.

  • You're a marketer with information to share and ideas to sell. You regularly present to others as part of your job. You need an effective process for crafting those presentations, so they encourage your audience to say YES. Learn how to build your content so it's persuasive, memorable, and entertaining.

  • Get them laughing and make your marketing more successful. Not sure how? We've got seven techniques to finding humor in almost every situation (including the ones you're not supposed to), and the methods professionals use to "write funny" without resorting to tired clichés and stereotypes.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll learn about five simple, yet effective, ways to drive positive media coverage, establish thought leadership, and build brand buzz. You'll get practical advice on how to deploy public relations tactics in your organization and see real-world case studies that demonstrate how other brands have succeeded with PR.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, Andy Crestodina will walk you through each step in the process for driving B2B leads with content marketing, from first action to final outcome. You'll learn how to become a dual-threat marketer by combining search and psychology, SEO with conversion optimization, and cheese and mousetraps. You'll leave with the tools to make your content drive the right leads to you.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll discover nine tactics that will get your prospects to open, read, and respond to your email without even thinking about it! You'll see numerous examples from various B2B verticals, and leave armed with the secrets to creating insanely effective emails that generate the results (and revenue) you seek.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll learn how to extract social media data from common applications such as social platforms, Google Analytics, and social monitoring tools. You'll then discover how to use state-of-the-art techniques to analyze and predict what to do next for your organization's success.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, discover the magic to storytelling in a digital world that inspires people to take action across channels. You'll learn five secrets that the most successful brands use to create cohesive narratives and how to tell stories that shift your content from noisy to necessary. You'll leave ready to create seamless, connected tales that inspire your audience to follow your trail to greater engagement and more conversions.