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  • How do you maintain a human connection and create meaningful experiences in a world where in-person interactions are canceled, but marketing is not? This presentation by Ashley Zeckman was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Does your B2B company need rocket fuel? Start inspiring and nurturing true fans. This keynote presentation by David Meerman Scott, based on his book, Fanocracy, was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Great positioning is oft-overlooked by B2B businesses but oh. so. Important. It's time to use strategic positioning to make your products obviously awesome to your customers. This keynote presentation by April Dunford, inspired by her book Obviously Awesome, was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Are you getting as much out of your account-based marketing strategy as you hoped you would if you could measure success? Or do you struggle to prove ABM's—and your own efforts'—effectiveness and ROI? You can overcome those common measurement challenges and level-up your capabilities to prove performance. Sponsored by LiveRamp.

  • To address modern buyers' needs and concerns—and keep target accounts moving down the sales funnel—organizations have been adopting account-based marketing (ABM) approaches. But getting and keeping buyers' attention is harder than ever. Start with understanding their intent and communicating in context. Sponsored by RollWorks.

  • Every company wants to stand out and attract meaningful attention. But there's more to it than ads or dimensional mailers. How can you create quality moments with your target audience and spur them to action? It starts with understanding direct mail's evolution and the ways it can work with ABM. Sponsored by ZoomInfo.

  • Has your company tried its hand at data-driven storytelling, or does "data-driven" scare you off? Don't worry, you don't have to be a data analyst to leverage this powerful tool for connecting with your online audiences through stories. It starts with identifying untold stories that you can uniquely tell. Sponsored by Meltwater.

  • See Kenda Macdonald, CEO of Automation Ninjas and bestselling author of "Hack The Buyer Brain," Backstage (on-demand) to learn how the human brain works when making a purchasing decision—and how you can use that knowledge to create the perfect sales pipeline.

  • There's no room for error in the current marketing environment. But what's the best way to ensure that your strategy aligns with, and supports, bottom-line business goals? It starts with analytics. Sponsored by Alight Analytics.

  • As marketers, we need to act in solidarity to identify and address the barriers in both our industry and our organizations that are hindering the advancement of BIPOC. This round table will help us have the uncomfortable conversations and tackle some of the tough issues our society is facing.

  • Discover a new, more effective way to analyze your data in this B2B Backstage keynote with Avinash Kaushik, digital evangelist for Google.

  • Most marketers understand the power of search marketing and the possibilities for leveraging social media. But only the best marketers are harnessing the powerhouse combo of search plus social. We'll take you behind the scenes to see how it can be done. Sponsored by Workfront.

  • You may not be in the baseball business, but there's a lot you can learn about marketing from Oakland Athletics VP of Operations and former General Manager, Billy Beane. This webinar is no longer available, but you can get a taste of what you missed by watching the after show on-demand.

  • Are you overcomplicating the B2B buying process for your customers? We'll show you how to leverage sales and marketing alignment to better unite your brand with its buyers. Sponsored by Seismic.

  • These past few weeks have gutted us all emotionally, personally, and professionally. It has also left many of us feeling uninspired, stilted, and kinda... blah. Join Ann Handley for the first ever Tiny House Talk, a new kind of webinar to engage your brain and make you feel normal(ish) for an hour.

  • These uniquely difficult times are emotionally draining for everyone. Mindfulness fosters calm and inner peace, making people aware of their ability to choose to react immediately or respond thoughtfully.

  • In our popular 2019 webinar, Agile marketing pioneer Andrea Fryrear showed us how to apply Agile practices to marketing project management. Now it's time to take things to the next level and learn why creating persistent teams is the key to applying Agile practices to marketing. Sponsored by

  • Where can marketers add the most value to their organization and drive more revenue? When marketing owns customer success, everyone profits—you just need to know how to structure the team and build a cohesive plan. Sponsored by TrustRadius.

  • Work-life balance is something that many are in search of, but few find. Learn how to break out of the cycle of being knocked off balance, and how to establish boundaries that allow you to be your best both personally and professionally.

  • Data science is the hottest thing since sliced bread. In fact, LinkedIn has indicated that open job positions for data scientists are up a whopping 11,500% year over year. Yet many marketers feel like data science is an unreachable, mystical discipline shrouded in mystery. Sponsored by InfoUSA.