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  • Building a marketing plan is fairly straightforward if you break it down into its components. First you need to understand the essential elements, then it's time to make your plans crystal clear, targeted, and productive.

  • An estimated 80% of content created by marketing goes unused by sales. Not only does this represent a lot of wasted time and energy, but also many missed opportunities and poor ROI. How can you step up your sales and marketing alignment? Sponsored by Influence & Co.

  • If you're looking for a practical approach to basic keyword research and semantic SEO, this webinar is for you. Get a plain-English explanation of the sometimes-mysterious channel of search. Sponsored by SEMrush.

  • Email remains one of the most effective tools for marketing. And with the increasing use of mobile devices, it's also one of the most preferred methods of communication. So how can you create the most effective and engaging email campaigns? Sponsored by InfoUSA.

  • The average B2B organization spends 40% of its marketing budget on live events. But most marketers struggle with proving the value of those events. Sound familiar? It's time to prove the ROI of your events and ensure that your organization views them as assets, not expenses. Sponsored by Cvent.

  • If you're like most marketers, you know your programs are performing well but you may not have all of the data you need to defend and expand your marketing budget. But how do you report your successes in a way that management will "get it?" Sponsored by LeanData.

  • Got an App? Keep Them Tapping!

    Sponsored Webinar

    The truth is that users abandon most mobile apps within the first month. How do you make sure your app is one that consumers continue to engage with? Sponsored by CleverTap.

  • One of the hardest questions marketers ask is, "What content will resonate with our audiences?" And too often marketers are guessing, not listening, for the answers. Join us to discover how to create ideal, personalized experiences with content marketing at every touchpoint. Sponsored by Uberflip.

  • Marketing is always changing. And with that comes greater expectations for marketers to produce ever-better results, quickly, and with limited resources. Now more than ever, marketers must be equipped with the right tools and processes to get results. Sponsored by Workfront.

  • For many marketers, video can still feel like an afterthought. A "nice to have" if time, budget, and other resources permit. Sound familiar? Sponsored by Prezi.

  • Demystifying Event Marketing

    Sponsored Webinar

    Event Marketing. It's a term that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it truly mean? Too often, the event marketing discussion seems to focus solely on event promotion. But what else should you do in order to really succeed? Sponsored by Cvent.

  • Wouldn't you love it if your demand gen programs worked more effectively? And if you were able to get (and stay!) ahead of the competition? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by LeanData.

  • Wouldn't you love to have a better customer (and competitor) insights strategy that you could turn into creative, targeted, and effective campaigns? With the right research and processes, you can. Sponsored by Melissa Direct.

  • Wasting time and money targeting the wrong consumers? With access to the world's largest survey on the digital consumer, getting a true understanding of your audience is simpler than ever. This demo of the GlobalWebIndex platform will show you how.

  • Today's B2B marketers need to do more than create awareness and pass leads to sales. The most successful ones are combining lead-based and account-based strategies to better align with sales, engage target accounts, and win more revenue. Wish you could do the same? Sponsored by Engagio.

  • Agile projects are more likely to be successful than those managed with traditional approaches… so why doesn't everybody use it? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Workfront.

  • Buyers are so overwhelmed by digital noise these days that smart marketers are using direct mail like never before. Have you considered ramping up your direct mail efforts? We'll show you why it makes sense—and what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Sendoso.

  • Are you overcomplicating the B2B buying process, and underwhelming clients and prospects? We'll show you what you need to do to succeed. Sponsored by Drift.

  • With advertising becoming more expensive and the signal-to-noise ratio at an all-time high, brands are turning to influencer marketing to tap into existing audiences and achieve their marketing goals. But it's already becoming stale with one-off posts and sponsored content.

  • Are you struggling to attribute and measure the value of your marketing campaigns? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Adtaxi.