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  • Here's a number of processes you can put in place to ensure that your site is both fresh and compelling.

  • Compelling quotes are not happy accidents; they are gems mined from logically-ordered transcripts of well-planned interviews.

  • etadata is wholly misunderstood. Editors and writers tend to look at it as a technical issue. Technical people look for a software solution. In fact, both are wrong.

  • o you really want your business associated with shallow, self-centered, rude and crass envy? Surely there is a better way.

  • Is tricking people to open a direct mail piece or email is a good way to start a relationship with a prospective customer?

  • Successful teasers draw on the basic principles of direct response marketing as well as good journalism. And they throw in a little sex, to boot!

  • Like many small organizations, the web's strategic advantage to this business just crept up on them -- they didn't plan it, it just grew that way. They woke up one day and realized that their web site had become critically important. But is a relaunch always the best option?

  • If blogs are changing the way individuals publish on the Internet, so, too, can they change the way businesses interact with their clients and customers.

  • If your company has a Web site, Mitch has some news for you: He visited your Web site and it looks like crap. He can’t use it. Worse yet, it may not even appear in his browser at all.

  • Here are 10 rules for writing effective web content.

  • What words work in audio? Suzan has been hired to rewrite too many terrible audio scripts to feel confident that the uninitiated marcommer can achieve perfection -- without some help.

  • Guns don’t kill communication. Bullet points kill communication. And when you use bullet points in a PowerPoint, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Among the rules Lee learned as a young copywriter was this: "Don't use humor. There's nothing funny about separating a man from this money."

  • After the agony of attempting to make offline text work online, we’ve finally turned the tables.

  • ust like the 1960s, the '90s are over. From free love to free information, it was all quite a ride. Now, the Web is growing up. It's time for definition, time for metrics, time for standard processes.

  • If publishing a regular email newsletter is becoming a chore, listen up for seven nitty-gritty tips from the trenches.

  • PowerPoint can become a powerful force to addict your audience to the mind-expanding content of your presentation. Follow this three-step prescription.

  • Here’s how to write a case study and see it through to publication.

  • Clear thinking is the precursor to an effective marketing message.

  • Are you afraid of alienating your customer with your marketing? Do you always feel like a stranger in their inboxes?