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  • Chief Content Officer Ann Handley takes a look back at the blogging year that was for the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog—and the lessons learned from launching a group blog for marketers. If you're thinking of starting your own blog, or if you're just curious about what it takes, take a gander.

  • Writing a compelling story is the inner game of marketing and is often the exclusive realm of your creative agencies. The client scowls during the presentation, asks if the logo could be bigger, and then picks the execution they think is the funniest. This symbiotic relationship holds up pretty well unless a client-side marketer sneaks behind the curtain for a look. Which the author did.

  • Want to make sure your message doesn't get through? That your campaign disappears without a trace? That your communication program suffers a quick, painful death? Then be sure to try one of these attention-stoppers.

  • Whether your launch is for an entirely new product or for a line extension, these seven marketing communication musts will put you on the path to success.

  • Do you have the killer instinct? A small percentage of Web content really makes a difference. It makes the sale, delivers the service, and builds the brand. This is the killer Web content. It probably represents less than 10% of content published on the Web, because—let's face it—most content just gets in the way.

  • So you've got a small marketing budget? That's OK, there's still a lot you can do to reach your audience; it just may take a little more elbow grease. The first key to stretching a budget is shrinking your focus.

  • All too often, Web pages, even homepages, provide readers with a variety of choices, but don't really provide a clear way forward. This is particularly true when a site has multiple products or services to sell. If visitors read your homepage and become interested in something you are selling or offering, what should they do next? Where should they click? Are they ready to go directly to the order page? Would conversions be higher if visitors first read a full sales page?

  • Today, your Web site is more than just a media source where people find information about your business; it's the place where many customer relationships begin. In your prospects' minds, their experience of your site is a foreshadowing of their experience with your company or organization. Establishing a favorable relationship is quite a challenge. But you can improve your odds by challenging your site with these 10 important questions.

  • Pay-per-click advertising is the biggest lead-generation breakthrough to come about in a long time. For small and midsize companies, in particular—and thanks to its ability to narrowly target prospects, tightly manage spending, and precisely measure results—PPC is one of the most efficient lead generation tools ever developed. It does, however, have a downside.

  • A few weeks ago the author penned a popular article here on how negative thoughts can sabotage your writing. This week, she looks at the mirror image of the topic. Read on to find out how this look at the "flip side" can help you write faster and better.

  • In today's workforce, employees who are Spanish speakers give companies a competitive advantage. Smart companies do not put the cart before the horse: They build an infrastructure of Hispanic employees before advertising to Hispanic market segments.

  • Just as teenagers use catch phrases, certain words and phrases crop up again and again in Web sites and news releases—so much so that the gobbledygook grates against nerves. Well, duh. Like, companies, yeah, they just totally don't communicate very well, you know?

  • What's the best way to get big results from a small budget?

  • Simplicity is probably the most important underlying factor when it comes to the performance of any Web page... whether your homepage, an interior page, a sales page, or a landing page. Here are six ways to keep your pages simple and increase conversions.

  • Writers face specific challenges when writing a home page. In fact, home pages can be tricky, simply because your page not only has its own job to do but also has to support a group of second-level pages. Here's how Nick approaches the task... whether a site has a total of 10 pages or a thousand pages.