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  • How do you know which influencers to work with? And what's the process for hiring influencers? A recent infographic from Spiralytics answers those questions with tips for identifying candidates, reaching out, and creating contracts.

  • Technology has allowed us to form connections and maintain strong business relationships even while we are unable to meet in person. But making contacts in the digital world is different. Use this article as a guide for how to adapt.

  • In 2020 LinkedIn finally hopped on the stories bandwagon, rolling out the content format worldwide in October. How can marketers make the most of this mobile-first, mixed-media format?

  • LinkedIn is the social network that B2B marketers use most and it is also the social network that B2B marketers say delivers the most engagement, according to recent research from Sagefrog.

  • Has your company tried its hand at data-driven storytelling, or does "data-driven" scare you off? Don't worry, you don't have to be a data analyst to leverage this powerful tool for connecting with your online audiences through stories. It starts with identifying untold stories that you can uniquely tell. Sponsored by Meltwater.

  • Mike Allton, Jenn Herman, Stephanie Liu, and Amanda Robinson offer insights on chatbots, Instagram, LinkedIn, video, and more for B2B marketers from their book, the Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing, co-written with Eric Butow.

  • Instagram Stories and Stories ads are viewed by millions of people every day. However, figuring out how to engage and retain audiences with these formats can be challenging.

  • We're all familiar with the way influencing plays out in sponsored posts on YouTube and Instagram and various other social platforms, but it can also be a valuable strategy in the B2B world. Here's how to get it right for your company.

  • Retargeting on LinkedIn can help boost campaign efficiency for B2B advertisers, since the platform is widely used by professionals. So, how do you do it?

  • The average CPM for advertising delivered via Facebook Ads Manager has been steadily rising since March, according to recent research from Social Insider.

  • As Internet penetration daily increases and more facets of day-to-day life expand into digital channels, the scale of data being generated online every minute is breathtaking.

  • These principles of social media engagement, along with 10 tried-and-true tips and social media tropes that connect with audiences, will help you write engaging social media copy on behalf of your B2B brand. See how.

  • Instagram carousels enable marketers to share multiple images and videos in a single post; as a result, they can be a highly effective way to stand out on the social network.

  • Many of us are missing a huge content opportunity on LinkedIn: long-form articles. The marketing benefits you reap are tangible while the effort you expend can be minimal—if you use the right approach. Read more for practical advice and real-world examples.

  • To celebrate episode 420 of the Marketing Smarts podcast, Webris founder and CMO Ryan Stewart joins us to discuss cannabis marketing for B2B and B2C organizations.

  • Lee Odden of TopRank marketing shares insights from a new research study on B2B influencer marketing, including the characteristics of the most successful B2B brands using influencer marketing.

  • Sales Navigator offers up a big opportunity for marketers to up their content and outbound games. Marketers, just as much as sales reps, can use the powerful functions of Sales Nav to identify, reach, and engage with audiences. Here's how, in three steps.

  • Most marketers say they are friends with their coworkers on social media, and most also say they have felt left out after seeing social media posts of their coworkers socializing, according to recent research from Igloo Software.

  • Instagram is not a platform that businesses can afford to ignore—but it can be challenging for businesses that don't have "Instagrammable" products or services to share. Especially if yours is a B2B brand. But Instagram is worth your time and investment.

  • The social media manager role revolves around managing social media channels on a daily basis, but the work has bled over into other marketing areas as well. Here's what it takes to do the job well.