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  • Millennials depend on social networking sites more than any other age group for personal connections and self-expression—but Gen-X adults are most likely to value recommendations about products and services on social sites, according to a report by GfK Mediamark Research & Intelligence (MRI).

  • Among 255,431 social media conversations focused on Super Bowl ads, Volkswagen, Doritos, Pepsi, Groupon, and Motorola were the top 5 advertisers, garnering the most social media mentions from December 1, 2010 to February 6, 2011, according to a study by Alterian. Microblogs, (e.g., Twitter) were the top media source, comprising more than two-thirds of such conversations.

  • As an editor and marketer, I think about how to translate marketing ideas into actionable steps. But sometimes it's good to take stock of the bigger picture. Here are some big trends I see shaping B2B marketing in 2011.

  • The Apple and Google brands had the most significant impact online in the fourth quarter of 2010, generating "impact values" of $941.5 million and $875.8 million, respectively, based on high volumes of online media buzz and social media conversation, according to a study by General Sentiment that assigns a dollar value to a brand's online exposure.

  • If your idea of giving your website a social life entails having a "follow us on Facebook" link on your homepage, you might want to take a second look at your analytics. Learn why and how B2B marketers should socialize better on the Web and boost results.

  • Among popular social marketing channels, user-generated content stands out for driving return on investment: 73% of surveyed CMOs say their companies facilitate customer ratings and reviews; among those, 59% report average or significant ROI—making ratings and reviews the top social strategy to generate measurable return, according to a report by Bazaarvoice and the CMO Club.

  • Companies reporting the heaviest use of Web 2.0 technologies—particularly those deploying them beyond their own corporate walls—are deriving the greatest value, including more-effective marketing, stronger collaboration, and increased market share, according to a study by The McKinsey Global Institute.

  • The amount of time online Americans spent tweeting and reading tweets on Twitter grew an estimated 18.9% in 2010, while the number of US online adults paying a monthly visit to the microblogging site fell 14% during the same period, according to data from Experian Simmons DataStream.

  • Despite anticipated increases in 2011 digital and social marketing budgets, only 30.0% of marketers say they have a strong understanding of social media conversations happening around their brands, according to a survey from Alterian.

  • More than seven in ten (71%) of the nation's fastest-growing private companies now use Facebook and, among them, 85% say their efforts are proving successful, up 36 percentage points from the 54% that said so a year earlier, according to a study by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth's Center for Marketing Research.

  • US direct and digital advertising expenditures are forecast to reach $163.9 billion in 2011, up 6.2% from 2010 levels, according to a report from the Winterberry Group. Of that total, digital spending is expected to reach $31.6 billion, up 14.0% from the previous year.

  • Online reputation management (ORM) has become a hot term in digital marketing. But few marketers know exactly how to use it to their advantage. Learn how to tackle the Top 3 ORM challenges, and let your brand shine.

  • In anticipation of stronger business conditions, more than one-half (52%) of digital and direct marketing executives plan to increase hiring in the first quarter of 2011, up from the 41% who said so in the previous quarter, according to a survey from Bernhart Associates.

  • How many Facebook fans or Twitter followers you have isn't necessarily the best indicator of how many people are receiving your message. But a new breed of engagement metrics can give you those answers, and help mold your messaging to generate the highest levels of engagement.

  • Though growing numbers of companies are using social channels to connect with their customers, only 12% of business executives say their companies are using social media effectively, according to a study by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services.

  • 2011 is here, and that means B2B marketers have just been evaluating plans and allocating budget. Though each company is different, the same five trends will affect them all—and marketers who capitalize on them are better positioned to reach their goals.

  • Only one-half (50%) of B2B marketers formally measure the return of their online marketing investments, but those who do say online is more effective than traditional marketing channels, according to a report by AMR International.

  • Using social media as a comprehensive, effective marketing channel for your organization can be met with challenges or seem daunting. It doesn't have to be. This four-phase adoption model will help your company see the bigger picture when it comes to social media.

  • Though B2B marketers report most of their new sales coming from current customers, only one-half (55.4%) say their companies have departments that focus primarily on customer retention, according to a survey by Loyalty 360 and SAS. Among those with formal loyalty programs, most are using traditional channels such as surveys and call centers to listen and respond to customers.

  • Social media stories dominated the list of most popular marketing charts and articles in MarketingProfs in 2010. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Wikipedia, figured prominently in seven of the Top 10 articles, which also covered subjects such as email, mobile, marketing budgets, and content marketing.