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  • Your name may be the key to your success: "Peter" and "Deborah" are the most popular names of CEOs on the professional social networking site LinkedIn, according to research by LinkedIn, which examines correlations between people's first names and their career choices.

  • Most marketers understand the value of good customer data, but they still struggle to organize and use it effectively: 62% cite "turning data into action" as their top marketing issue in 2011, according to a report by Unica.

  • Having been neck-deep in the psychology of influence and the business of marketing while launching my own book, I had the opportunity to ask Guy Kawasaki about succeeding by embracing the "nobodies," thinking differently about demand generation, and enchanting your employees.

  • Nearly one in four visitors to B2B websites referred by LinkedIn are enterprise visitors—those arriving at sites via corporate IP addresses—according to a report by LeadFormix. Among such leads, those referred by LinkedIn "groups" are the most likely to complete a form-fill, or convert.

  • What are others saying about you and your company online? With so many online channels available to consumers and competitors, it's time you took control of your online reputation. Just follow these seven simple steps.

  • When choosing someone to lead the charge on the social media front, do you want someone who's merely "good at social media" or someone who can achieve business goals? Here's how to hire the right person and get results.

  • More than nine out of ten B2B marketers (93%) say they conduct social media marketing to some extent and cite LinkedIn as their single most important social channel, according to a new report from BtoB Online.

  • "We're not allowed to" is one of the most commonly uttered phrases about social media by marketing professionals in regulated industries. Here are three ways to cut through the red tape and get back in the game.

  • Spending on custom content published via digital channels—such as video, mobile, and Web—reached an all-time high of $12.5 billion in 2010, up from $12.1 billion in 2009, according to a new study by the Custom Content Council and ContentWise.

  • More than two-thirds of marketers (67.5%) say they plan to invest more dollars in display advertising over the next 18 months, and 59.0% plan to invest more in mobile over the same period, according to a new survey from Bizo.

  • Let's face it: Business is changing. It's now being conducted through meaningful conversations between organizations and constituents. But it isn't easy. Here are seven rules to live by to achieve social success.

  • Everywhere you look, people are talking about "communities"—how to find them, how to join them, and... if you're lucky, how to successfully sell your products and services to their members. Here are five steps to engaging online communities and finding and maintaining your fanatics.

  • Most women use Facebook to keep their friends informed about what they are doing, but few have tolerance for friends who use the site to brag or over-share, according to a survey from Eversave, which also explores group-buying preferences among women.

  • Nearly one-half of marketing executives (48%) now use content curation—the process of continually finding, organizing, and sharing relevant online content that caters to a specific audience—according to a survey from HiveFire.

  • In an environment saturated with new and evolving media platforms, TV is still king: 71% of Americans rate watching TV on any device among their favorite media activities, according to Deloitte's annual survey on technology and media. Meanwhile, smartphone and social-networking use continues to increase.

  • People who own smartphones are most likely to be hyper users of email and Facebook: 45% of smartphone owners check email constantly during the day (via multiple devices) and 28% check Facebook with the same frequency, according to a survey from ExactTarget.

  • When you have a fabled story attached to your business, it should be easy to succeed in social media, right? Wrong. Storytelling the right way and monitoring feedback will connect you with customers and get you results.

  • Celebrities can be valuable to advertisers, but so too can the people who follow them on social media sites: 64% of US adults who follow a celebrity also follow a brand, according to a survey from The Nielsen Company.

  • LinkedIn has reached the 100 million member mark, the company announced today (Tuesday, March 22). Its members hail from some 200 countries, though a large plurality—44%—are based in the United States, LinkedIn said. In the past year, among the fastest-growing countries in terms of LinkedIn membership were Brazil, Mexico, India, and France.

  • More than one-quarter of US consumers (26%) say they are more likely to tell family, friends, and coworkers about a bad experience with a product or service than a good one, according to LoyaltyOne's COLLOQUY report.