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  • Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that use both email and social media marketing programs tend to achieve better results from their email campaigns, according to a report by VerticalResponse.

  • Social media marketing can either be an extremely worthwhile investment or a massive time sink that brings you no benefit. How can you tell which of those extremes you'll fall into? Learn how to set up your strategy to measure ROI.

  • Buoyed by renewed confidence in the US economy and higher expectations for new business, CMOs say they plan to boost marketing spending over the next 12 months, with B2B products and B2B services marketers leading the way, according to the CMO Survey.

  • More than one-half (52%) of surveyed small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) say they use social media to promote their businesses, and 49% purchase online advertising (including SEM products) themselves, directly from websites, according to a new report by BIA/Kelsey.

  • If you're not using interactive images in your marketing, you should be. Learn how they can drive engagement, retention, and sales.

  • Businesses that use primarily inbound marketing strategies for lead acquisition consistently report lower cost-per-lead (CPL) rates than those using outbound-centric strategies, according to the 2012 State of Inbound Marketing report by HubSpot.

  • The year 2011 was pivotal for the mobile industry, marked by a near doubling in smartphone ownership, consumers' growing appetite for mobile social content, and tablets emerging as a formidable fourth screen, according to a new report by comScore.

  • Is your business truly innovative? Real innovation is difficult to generate, and even harder to repeat. But Pinterest, a relatively new social network, can teach your business three invaluable lessons about innovation.

  • Though small organizations still rely heavily on traditional marketing channels to promote their events, social media is also an important outreach tool: 77% of event marketers who work for a small business or nonprofit say they use social media to promote their events, and another 14% say they plan to do so in the next year, according to a survey from Constant Contact.

  • Total US mobile and social media revenues—including business and consumer content, access, and advertising and marketing—reached $45.38 billion in 2011, up 30.2% from a year earlier, according to new data from PQ Media.

  • Are people talking about you? If you can get people to talk about your company and its website, half of your marketing will be done for you. The best way to attract that attention is to start a community around your content.

  • In the US, Hispanics are more likely than blacks and Caucasians to log in to various social networking sites on a daily basis or more often, according to a new American Pulse Survey from BIGinsight.

  • Pinterest is a hot new social media website that provides a way for users to save and display ideas on virtual pin boards. But what's in it for marketers? Here are four ways to use Pinterest to get more business.

  • Pinterest is arguably the hottest social media site on the Internet—user traffic to the online social catalog has skyrocketed since mid-2011—but the website also boasts strong audience engagement, retention, and "virality" among its core demographic, according to a report by RJMetrics.

  • Online testimonials are undeniably valuable, but they come after the sale. What if you could start that engine earlier? Learn how one company used Twitter and landing pages to boost sales and deepen customer engagement.

  • More than one-half (55%) of social media users in the US say they are uncomfortable sharing credit card information with a known brand via secure payment on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook, according to a new survey from Digitas.

  • Facebook's penetration among worldwide Internet audiences reached 55% as of December 2011, up 43 percentage points from 12% in 2007, according to report by comScore Data Mine.

  • What will the remainder of 2012 have in store for B2B marketing? Thanks to data, what lies ahead isn't so hard to predict. Learn five significant trends that will affect B2B marketers in the months to come.

  • Twitter users* say only 36% of the tweets they receive are worth reading, 39% are mediocre at best, and 25% of tweets are not worth reading at all, according to a study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, and Georgia Tech.

  • Facebook ad spending among clients of Kenshoo Social grew 109% in the fourth quarter of 2011 over 3Q11 levels, dwarfing the 27% growth recorded in paid-search spending over the same period, according to a report by Kenshoo.