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  • Large US companies are reframing their approach to social media, shifting from social marketing to social business, and that shift is affecting the ownership of social media responsibilities within the organization, according to a study by Ketchum and FedEx.

  • Today, customers can share their rants and raves instantly with a worldwide audience. In such a wired world, your online image is everything! Here's how to track and enhance that image and manage your reputation.

  • Few CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are participating in social media channels: 70% have no social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Google+, according to a new study sponsored by Domo and

  • No surprise: kids age 6-12, who are in the process of expanding their social circles outside of their families, are interested in (and often active on) online social media, according Ipsos MediaCT's syndicated LMX Family Study, which measures adoption of and adaptation to new media and technology by kids and parents.

  • Pinterest is beginning to disrupt the social media landscape: Nearly one in four Pinterest users report spending less time on other social media sites in favor of Pinterest, according to data from Compete's Online Shopper Intelligence Survey.

  • When Peter Parker practices his heroics as Spider-Man, he captivates the citizenry and the press alike. By emulating his superpowers, you too can masterfully connect with customers and followers online.

  • Guy Kawasaki loves Google+ so much, he wrote a book about it: What the Plus! Since I've been rather slow to get on the Google+ bus, I invited Guy to Marketing Smarts to talk about why I should give it a(nother) shot.

  • Tweets that contain fewer than 100 characters receive 17% higher engagement than longer tweets, according to a Buddy Media study titled Strategies for Effective Tweeting: A Statistical Review.

  • Only a few Games ago, trying to take advantage of the Olympics if you weren't a sponsor was as difficult as teaching a Los Angeles Kings "fan" the meaning of icing. But in the case of the 2012 London games, you can... without investing serious sponsor-level cash.

  • Social media is now a global phenomenon, with most online adults in North America, Europe, metro Asia, and Latin America regular users, according to a new update of Forrester's Global Social Media Adoption In 2011, originally published in January 2012.

  • There are good days to start a social marketing campaign, and there are better ones: Most Facebook campaigns are deployed on Fridays, but those deployed on Tuesdays generate the most customer engagement, according to a study by Yesmail Interactive, which examines the customer engagement of campaigns conducted via popular social channels.

  • Convincing older business owners to invest in social media can be difficult—but it doesn't have to be. Learn five undeniable benefits of social media that could help make the case for a social investment.

  • Despite the widespread use of social networks among US companies, only 11% have fully integrated social media into existing business programs, according to a study by InSites Consulting. Moreover, only 38% of companies say they share the outcomes of social interactions with the entire organization.

  • Whether you are selling complex technical systems or burgers with fried pickles on them—like my guests in this week's Marketing Smarts—you need to understand your customers and interact with them face-to-face.

  • Every generation contributes to the global conversation around brands, products, and services; however, Baby Boomers (those now age 47 to 65) are overrepresented in their share of online feedback, according to The Conversation Index by Bazaarvoice, which also found that Boomers tend to be more positive than other generations when leaving product feedback.

  • Today, brands are building social campaign experiences that spread from one brand loyalist to her friends—creating a powerful social loyalty loop that cultivates new brand loyalists. Learn four ways to fuel such a loyalty loop.

  • Virtually all of the nation's top MBA schools are using popular social media channels to promote their programs and recruit students, according to a study by the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Moreover, 82% of the MBA schools surveyed plan to increase their investment in social media over the next year, and all agree that social media is worth the investment.

  • ExploreB2B (with the help of CMI and MarketingProfs) has put together an Infographic that answers the "Why, What, How, and Where" of B2B content marketing.

  • Online consumers tend to be far more positive about brands that respond to their comments or complaints via public forums or social media channels rather than direct feedback methods such as email or phone calls, according to a report by Maritz Research.

  • Though seniors (adults age 65 and older) have spent much of their lives without the technology that younger generations have grown up with, fully six in ten (60%) say they use the Internet, participating in a variety of activities such as social networking, playing games, and buying products, according to report by Forrester Research.