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  • More than one-third (36%) of US executives say they either never consider (7%) or rarely consider (29%) their company's social media reputation when making important business decisions, according to a survey from Zeno Group.

  • Consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of websites—roughly 20% of their total time online via personal computer (PC) and 30% of their total time online via mobile—according to a report by NM Incite and Nielsen.

  • In this first of many MarketingProfs #SocialSkim social media news and views to come, we scan the Web to make sure you're up to date on everything happening in the ever-evolving social space. Skim and learn!

  • On average, nearly one-half (47%) of social media users say they've taken some type of action offline (e.g., attending an event, meeting someone in person, or making a purchase) after interacting with a social networking site, according to a survey from ACTIVE Network.

  • Email, social media, and mobile rank as marketers' top spending priorities for 2013, according to a survey from StrongMail: 55.5% of marketing executives say they plan to increase spending on email campaigns in 2013; 51.8% plan to boost spend on social media; and 42.8% plan to up their spend on mobile marketing.

  • A recent content marketing study from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute found that B2B marketers are uncertain about whether they are effectively using content marketing tactics. This infographic captures and presents some key data from that study, including about budgets, social presence, and content challenges.

  • Whether you're looking to move beyond the occasional tweet or you're aiming to further polish your approach, here are some tips for how you, as a B2B marketer, can take full advantage of Twitter as a marketing tool.

  • Among the brands listed on the Interbrand Top 100, more than nine in ten (95%) use Twitter and nearly one in four (23%) use it as a customer service platform (i.e., they have a Twitter handle dedicated to customer service), according to a new report by Simply Measured.

  • BusinessNext Social conducted a study of CMOs in the Fortune 100 to see which of them were most socially active in 2012. Surprisingly, only one in five Fortune 100 top-level marketing/communications executives have an active public presence on social networks, the analysis found.

  • Only one-third (35%) of small business owners cite social media as a beneficial tactic for their business, though views about the benefits of social marketing vary by industry, according to a survey from Hiscox.

  • Though consumers and marketers are fairly aligned in their focus on Facebook—similar proportions of each segment use the social networking site—marketers tend to be out of synch with their audiences regarding the use of other popular social channels, according to a study by Pitney Bowes Software.

  • Don't just try to move up a few places in search results with your SEO efforts; rather, turn a visit to your website into a better experience and help your site to naturally grow in popularity.

  • Bolstered by Internet advertising—particularly social media and online video—global ad spend growth is forecast to strengthen over the next three years, rising from an estimated 3.3% growth in 2012, to 4.1% growth in 2013 and 5.6% growth in 2015, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia.

  • From Nov. 22 to 26, 2012, some 50 million tweets related to Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping were generated, with peaks of nearly 100 tweets per second, according to a report by DataSift.

  • Your banner ads aren't all about the click-throughs and immediate purchases. Brand retention and recognition are key goals of online advertising, because you want customers to seek you out when ready to make purchases.

  • Over the years, many have augured the death of email, most recently foretelling that social media would make email obsolete. Nevertheless, for marketers, email remains an invaluable, even indispensable, tool. And this infographic from Eloqua spells out why.

  • Traditional face-to-face tactics are still fundamental for SMB marketers: Personal relationships and networking (95%), tradeshows and industry events (89%), and in-person events (86%) rank as the most popular marketing tactics for finding new customers, according to a survey of small and midsized businesses conducted by Forrester Consulting for Act-On Software.

  • Have you ever wondered whether a Facebook contest will work for your B2B company? Here are some helpful tips to consider before creating a Facebook contest.

  • When you want your target audience to take a particular action, including on Facebook, you must ask them to do it, according to a study by Dan Zarrella for HubSpot that explored how various call-to-action phrases impact the engagement of Facebook users.

  • Although social media is a relatively new marketing channel, there is fairly strong consensus that it can help with business growth. What few people realize, though, is that you can actually drive direct sales from social media—provided you have the right strategy in place.