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  • Old-school thinking demotes blogs to the domain of college students and frustrated authors battling writers block. New-school thinking elevates blogging to a much different sphere of influence. Journalists have embraced blogging -- both authoring blogs as well as consulting them for sources. And now blogging also has a place in the corporation -- in fact, it's actually good for business.

  • These days, businesses are increasingly using a full range of communication methods including email, Web and fax to enhance relationships with existing customers, as well as a low-cost means of acquiring new ones. Now an emerging communication mode, text messaging—or Short Message Service (SMS)—provides an additional and interesting opportunity for companies and organizations to differentiate themselves.

  • Advertisers, including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and the Gap, are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. As a result, a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. Why aren't more advertisers and bloggers getting together? Three reasons: fear, ignorance and the knowledge that a lot of pioneers get shot.

  • For any organization, a blog should be part of a long-term customer evangelism strategy.

  • Blogs aren't for everyone. Consider both the advantages and the caveats.

  • If you’re not thinking about how to use blogs in your business, you’re missing a big opportunity.

  • Newsletters or ezines are still the e-vehicle of choice for most marketers. But blogs are being slowly adopted as a channel for business communication. Here's why.

  • Here are 10 rules for using blogs and wikis to achieve your branding goals in this emerging area.

  • We should always keep striving to improve and enhance the brand called Me. But we should always be aware of the brand called We, which reflects the uncontrollable, omnipresent ability of others to build, enhance or even destroy our personal brands.

  • Convincing journalists to cover your products or services isn’t a simple task. Here's how to clear the hurdles.

  • ake these definitions as a starting point to think about how you might use a blog as part of your Web site or communications strategy.

  • It's time to start having your salespeople write blogs for their customers and prospects. Sound radical?

  • The majority of the PR industry continues to log behind in the blogosphere, seemingly unconvinced that the influential new medium is worth learning about.

  • ere are six lessons from Major League Baseball that you can take into account to profitably target your own customers.

  • What words work in audio? Suzan has been hired to rewrite too many terrible audio scripts to feel confident that the uninitiated marcommer can achieve perfection -- without some help.